Differentiated autonomy surveys: the 36.5% of Italians are totally against the proposal
The investigation of Political Thermometer dealt with one of the most discussed topics of the week, namely differentiated autonomy. The sample responds in a decidedly varied manner, with a great balance between those in favor and against.
However, the most popular answer is negative and the 36.5% are totally against the proposal as it is a form of selfishness on the part of the richer Regions, and can only increase inequalities.
On the other hand, the 25.6% believe it's about timeas the Regions administer better than the central State and the more virtuous ones have the right to have more competences.
As for the intermediate answers, a 19.9% of the sample considered themselves quite favorable but with the condition that we ensure that all Italians enjoy the same minimum benefits. Finally, the 15.7% say that as far as autonomy is concerned, it is rightmust be the same for all regions: “some should not be allowed to have more power than others”.
READ ALSO: Differentiated autonomy? An important step towards federalism
Political Thermometer poll
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