Seven out of ten economists point to fiscal pressure and high wage costs as the barriers that prevent Spain from increasing its competitiveness. “We are not saying that taxes do not have to be paid, but we are saying that the fiscal pressure is very high,” said the president of the General Council of Economists (CGE), Valentin Pich, during the presentation of the Economic Barometer that the entity publishes every six months. . The survey asks about measures approved in recent weeks. This is the case of the tax reform that includes the banking tax or the intention to approve a tax on energy. Two-thirds of economists believe that these two taxes will end up affecting the economy, and especially the competitiveness of the two sectors that the rates will affect, considered strategic.
The report also reveals that more than half of those surveyed – 51.2% – fear that the national economy will worsen between now and June. A pessimism that Pich attributes to the political climate. “Our political leaders must know that tension does not help people’s happiness, people do not interact by shouting, and this climate affects people’s mood and decision-making,” he said. In fact, 48.7% anticipate that households will not be able to save during the next six months. The opinion is especially negative among those under 30 years of age, greatly affected by the increase in housing prices.
The outlook is also worsening with respect to employment. 41.4% of economists believe that the unemployment rate will not improve, and that it will remain at current levels. “It seems that it would be advisable to design more inclusive policies that boost both investment and consumption at a microeconomic level, since, if effective measures are not applied to promote employability in key sectors or in young people, it will be difficult to reverse this trend,” he insisted. the director of the Studies Service, Salvador Marín.
Finally, and with respect to the reduction of the working day to 37.5 hours that the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, is pursuing, and that has ignited an internal battle with the Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, Pich has insisted on the need that any agreement of this type must have the consensus of all social agents. It should be remembered that Díaz is committed to promoting the norm, which does not have the endorsement of businessmen. In addition, the president of the Economists warns of the risk that the measure discourages job creation, and “cause an increase in underground work.” “The battle between Labor and the Economy is not convenient,” stated Pich, who, however, wanted to align himself with the Body’s position. “Economy has a more global vision, we especially listen to the minister,” he insisted.
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