Surrealist search in Norway. About 27,000 fish farm salmon From a Dyrøy company, in Trons County, they have escaped the tanks in which they lived and their escape can end up becoming a natural disaster for the area, in which thousands of wild salmon live. For all this, an unusual search campaign has begun, even with a monetary reward for each specimen found.
The facts were discovered last Sunday at the facilities of the Norway Mowi company, the most important in the world of the sectorwhen a powerful storm one of the tanks was damaged and found a hole in one of their upper rings. There were adult copies, about five and a half kilos on average.
For all this, a special plan has been established on the Norwegian coast. Mowi has hired fishermen to recover specimens and has also set a reward from 500 Norwegian crowns (about 43 euros) For each salmon returned to authorized facilities and the government has activated a special fish recovery protocol. The company regrets that the wild salmon escaped a quarter of its population.
Environmental risk
What is feared most, beyond the economic damage for Mowi, is that environmentalists believe that the case can lead to «A serious disaster»For the wild salmon that is raised in the area, since the mixture of species can jeopardize the genetic diversity of salmon and be an incentive for sea lice, a parasite that especially attacks salmonids.
In practice, it is known that the cross between wild populations and fishfactory salmon produces pups that end up having a low survival rate in nature, experts warn, according to ‘The Guardian’. For all these reasons, the regional secretary, Karl-Petter Yeong, regretted that this is “a new crisis for wild salmon, who are already fighting with a massive pressure of the sea lice.
This problem worries, basic, environmental and animalist entities because thousands of fishfactory salmon escapes every year (it is estimated that more than 95,000) of farms and enter the wild territory, harming wild species. The reality is that many few are recovered (last year there were just over 5,000).
The Fishing Directorate of Norway fixes that if a fish escape from a fish farm can only be recovered and returned if it is not further from 500 meters from its farm but this time the seriousness of the escape led to the same Monday the same Monday Norwegian authorities allowed them to will expand the perimeter.
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