Home cleaning is essential to avoid the possible appearance of dirt bacteria. The soil is one of the dirtier elements of the house Since we step on it with the shoes, which come from the street, and we do not know the intruders we have been able to bring with them. Experts say that an excellent option to avoid it is to leave the shoes at the entrance.
But that is not the only element that affects soil dirt. Dust, food remains or pet hair are also factors that leave their mark on the home surface. Therefore, it is important to perform a weekly and more superficial deep cleaning daily. With this simple practice, the Appearance of bacteria.
For proper cleaning, different instructions must be taken into account mainly by the necessary instruments. Once we have swept or aspirate the remains that rest on the ground, it is time to scrub. Although there are now endless tools for this, the most common is still he Cube with water and the mop.
A very common mistake
The water bucket is filled, the necessary cleaning products are added and the mop is used to clean the soil. Now, the mistake that everyone makes and that prevents the ground from being completely hygienized, is Water temperaturean indispensable element to achieve the desired result. Although many people believe that hot water is the best option, it is not.
Cold water can be the best ally according to the cleaning products we use. This is due to a simple chemical reaction, if we use hot water, those cleaners that include alcohol will evaporate faster losing its effects before. In addition, when cleaning the crystals, cold water dries slower so it allows you to finish the task without leaving annoying marks in the window.
However, there are times when the use of hot water is recommended as in the case of oil or fat spots, more difficult to clean and that require stronger products. It is important to make a PERIODIC SOIL CLEANING To avoid possible problems, especially if there are pets and children at home, since they spend more time on this surface.
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