Forty years later Dragon Ball continues to fascinate millions of people through manga, anime, movies and video games. Fights like the one between Goku and Freezer or Gohan and Cell are well imprinted in people’s imagination, but it is right not to forget the origins of the franchise, born more as a fantasy adventure partially inspired by Journey to the West, where Goku travels in a fantasy world meeting unique characters. Among these there is Lunch (or Laura in the Italian adaptation), protagonist of the xandrastax cosplay which you can find below.
Lunch is a character who makes her debut in the very first story arcs of the series and one of the most peculiar. Due to a strange disorder, she completely changes personality every time she sneezes. There is the blue-haired Lunch, a kind, quiet and a little naive girl, and the blonde-haired one, an aggressive and short-tempered delinquent. It’s a real shame that the character has been completely sidelined starting from the Z series.
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