On March 20, 2025, at 3:01 AM CST (Mexico time), the spring station in our hemisphere officially started. Although every year the temporary window falls between March 19 and 21, last year and this 2025 occurred on the same day, at the moment in which the center of the solar disc seems to cross, passing from the southern hemisphere to the north, the celestial horizon and reach the intersection of the ecliptic and celestial equator, in the so -called vernal point. Why does the date change from one year to another? We tell you.
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What is an equinox and when does it happen?
From Latin aequinociumwhat does it mean aequus (equal) and Nox (evening), The equinox is an astronomical event in which the axis of the Earth and its orbit are aligned so that both hemispheres receive the same amount of sunlight. In other words, the sun’s rays are perpendicular to the Earth’s rotation axis.
While it is true that in Ecuador the Sun comes out of the east, it is positioned by the west and at noon it is exactly in the zenith, the hours of light are not exactly the same as those of darkness; The former are more due to the effect of the Earth’s atmosphere, as in the autumn equinox.
“The sun itself is a sphere and not a specific source of light, so its edge is refracted by our atmosphere when it comes out and puts on, which adds several minutes of light to every day,” explains NASA. In addition, the sun is not a focus of light that turns on and turns off precisely at dawn and sunset, so there is no perfect division between day and night during the equinox.
#spring #equinox #arrived #March