How complicated it is sometimes Understand thoughts and emotions What we have. Accepting them paves the way to a life without so much shock or comings and goings of feelings and, for this, the help of a professional is usually the solution when we feel … overwhelmed in this regard.
The call Acceptance and commitment therapy It is a type of psychotherapy that helps overcome negative thoughts and feelings in a significant way. As indicated by Silvia María Campos, head of degree studies in psychology and master’s studies in general health psychology at the Alfonso X El Sabio University, this therapy includes a group of therapeutic techniques that are included within third generation therapies. «They suppose an important change regarding other types of therapies because instead of trying to change unpleasant emotions or the patient’s negative and irrational thoughts, it focuses on help you accept them“, account.
Studies show that this type of therapy is better for teenagers and adults, although anyone can sign up for these sessions. That children do not include has an explanation: it is necessary to use the Abstract thinkingthat is, to understand things or ideas that are not physical objects or experiences, so it can be difficult to understand for them.
These therapies are mainly focused on patients who have failed when trying control or avoid internal experiences (Thoughts, feelings) that are actually uncontrollable.
What are acceptance therapies
They consist of a therapeutic approach focused on understanding that the psychological pain It is an inherent part of life and that trying to avoid this suffering usually increases its intensity. Silvia María Campos indicates that instead of eliminating that pain, “teaches the patient to promote a healthier relationship with suffering and to live with him in a more adaptive way.” They also help the patient To know each other betteranalyzing their beliefs and values and how they influence their behavior.
The objective is the Acceptance of thoughtsunpleasant emotions and sensations without trying to modify them and the commitment to act in a coherent way with their values, facing the problem instead of avoiding it. “Therefore combines learning to accept what is outside our control with the commitment to perform actions that enrich our lives,” he says. This favors the Adaptation to vital situations complicated.
It is normal to have negative thoughts and emotions and that does not make us bad people. Sometimes, the brain is scheduled to spend more time reflecting on negative thoughts than overcoming them, and this It can affect physical and mental healthwork performance, social life …
Sinning these sessions helps to accept that thoughts and emotions are an adequate response to certain situations. It also implies committing changes. During acceptance and commitment therapy, you learn to recognize that your emotions are part of human experience. You will practice different ways of thinking to help you achieve your individualized goals.
The disorders that are treated
This therapy is applied to different emotional disorders such as anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress, affective disorders (depression, grief processes, etc.) or chronic diseases. It is also useful in disorders that require a Strong patient commitment To make a change of behavior as occurs in the case of addictions, weight problems or professional development.
There are different techniques related to this type of therapy such as cognitive defusion (learning to label thoughts as such, that is, to understand that by thinking one thing does not mean that what I think is real), the mindfulness (put the focus of attention at the present time, in the here and now, instead of worrying about the past or the future) or imagination exercises and metaphors (To help the patient understand in a practical way through examples and stories what is the objective of therapy).
Patients experience a very significant improvement in the level of vital satisfaction since it helps reduce anxiety and make decisions more adjusted to personal values. This also influences very positively in its interpersonal relationships and its ability to adapt to adverse situations.
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