For many experts, the importance of promoting emotional intelligence from the first years of life is something that cannot be discussed. They consider that it is also essential that it is also implemented in educational projects so that this learning is part of the academic and personal curriculum of each human being.
This points it Alicia RoldánChildren’s Professor of the European College of Madridstressing that the importance of emotional intelligence is immense in an increasingly broad, varied and changing world. «And, not only will children, from their first years of life, manage to manage their emotions in a more affective way, but also improve their interpersonal relations and, in turn, their academic performance. Of course, although emotional intelligence must work from home and in the family environment, If we focus on classrooms, we cannot ignore that teachers play a fundamental role here, since they will be the main guide in the emotional development of their students ».
But what really is emotional intelligence and why is it so important within an educational system? Alicia Roldán explains that the American psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman, who became known throughout the world for his book Emotional Intelligence published in 1995, refers to this as the Ability to recognize, understand and manage Our own emotions, as well as those of others. In this way, in the academic field, this translates into students’ ability to face stress, resolve conflicts effectively and strengthen their self -esteem.
«Therefore, he insists, including emotional intelligence in an educational project, is essential, since it will achieve great benefits such as improving academic performance, since, learning to handle their emotions, they can concentrate better and face School challenges more effectively. In addition, it also encourages interpersonal relationships in a healthy waysince the ability to recognize and manage emotions, both own and others, helps reduce aggressiveness and problems as present as bullying. On the other hand, emotional intelligence also helps reduce stress and anxiety, since understanding and managing emotions allows students to face academic challenges, without affecting their mental well -being. It should be noted that it also promotes decision -making in a responsible and effective way, since those who have developed emotional intelligence can make decisions based on reflection and coherence and not get carried away by momentary impulses ».
Therefore, this teacher ensures that the role of teachers is essential in the learning and development of this type of intelligence, since teachers are not only responsible for imparting academic knowledge, but they are also a behavior model for their students . “His attitude and way of managing situations in the classroom will directly influence the way in which students develop their own emotional skills,”
Thus, in the face of promoting emotional intelligence day by day at school, «teachers must take into account many aspects such as creating a Safe and empathetic atmosphere where children feel comfortable expressing their emotions without fear of being judged. Undoubtedly, empathy and active listening are key to generating confidence in students and allowing them to develop their emotional intelligence effectively ».
Another important aspect that emphasizes emotional education is not an independent subject, but a transverse and fundamental element in each and every subject. «In this way,” teachers can incorporate emotional reflection exercises, conflict resolution dynamics and debates in their daily planning. It is very important that it is the teachers themselves who demonstrate emotional intelligence skills in their behavior and this can be achieved by managing stress, solving conflicts in a peaceful way or demonstrating empathy towards their students in any situation they were going through. In addition, it is very essential that, in a constant way, the importance of expressing their feelings and needs clearly be taught, since this will be a fundamental tool in their personal and emotional development. To do this, the use of positive language or strategies to manage frustration or anger without resorting to verbal or physical violence will be essential ».
He adds that it is essential , something that will also contribute to a much more emotionally responsible society more committed to general well -being.
«Therefore, promoting emotional intelligence in schools is not an alternative, but a necessity. In an increasingly complex, accelerated and infinite stimuli, children and adolescents need tools that allow them to manage their emotions and help them face any situation with trust and security And in all this path and learning, the role of teachers will be crucial, ”concludes this teacher.
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