Daily routines have A great weight in emotional and mental well -being without many people being really aware of it. These routines, in addition, are part of our daily lives and we are so accustomed to them that we often do them without being aware of them.
As They warn experts from Harvard Universityits impact on the brain can be very significant, So detect these habits and try to modify them It can be key to improving emotional balance and avoiding mental exhaustion.
Also, experts in neuroscience and psychology warn that making small adjust in our routines can make a big difference, helping to improve the quality of life and emotional resilience, as well as strengthen emotional balance. These are the most common negative habits.
Take too much caffeine
Although caffeine can be an option that gives us benefits in our day to day, the truth is that its excess consumption can generate Insomnia, anxiety and alterations in cholesterol levels. Thus, eating more than 400 mg of caffeine a day can be harmful to emotional balance and health in general.
Use the technology as soon as you wake up
Another very common action is to check the mobile phone as soon as Increase anxiety levels and affect creativity. Research suggests that early exposure to screens should be avoided and try to establish a morning routine without devices. This contributes to a better emotional regulation and a quieter beginning of the day.
Listen to very high music
Studies also warn of prolonged exposure to high sounds, which can cause irreversible auditory damage. The brain constantly processes sensory information and overestimulation can affect our concentration. Therefore, It is recommended to use headphones with noise cancellation or make frequent pauses the time of listening to music to minimize the risk.
Take a long time
Spending time in the dark can also become very harmful to our mood, since limited exposure to sunlight serotonin production decreases, A key substance in the mood processes. Thus, it should be noted that going abroad not only helps fight emotional problems, but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Negative thoughts
Another very important aspect is internal dialogue and this, precisely, can be very harmful If you constantly have negative thoughts. Thus, constant autocritical thoughts generate unnecessary stress and can raise depression and anxiety levels. It is, therefore, try to reduce these ideas and try to replace them with more positive thoughts. To do this, working self -pity can be a great ally.
Sleep a lot or very little
In the emotional state, the amount of hours that we sleep can also be decisive, either for the hours that are in excess or for the least we sleep. The lack of sleep alters memory and learningwhile sleeping more than nine hours can also affect concentration and increase the risk of developing anxiety or depression.
Overexposure to alarming content
Fall into it doomscrollingthat is, continuously review alarming content can generate a constant alert state which can also trigger stress and catastrophic thoughts. Given this, experts recommend establishing limits to the consumption of information.
Lack of social interaction
Isolation, on the other hand, can accelerate cognitive deterioration and also affect mental health. Thus, studies ensure that social contact stimulates areas of the brain related to communication and learning and that even the shortest interactions are capable of improve mood. It is also essential to perform physical exercise, since it is demonstrated that this improves memory, concentration and elevates mood.
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