High blood pressure is the most common cardiovascular risk factor and affects one in three adults. It is said soon. It occurs due to the increasesustained over time, of the force that blood exerts on the walls of the arteries.
But that’s not the worst. It is a disease that generally does not cause symptoms and, if left undiagnosed and untreated, it frequently causes complications. serious such as heart attack, stroke or the need for dialysis due to kidney damage.
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Hence the prevention perform an important role in keeping blood pressure levels under control. Beyond adequate nutrition, good rest and quitting smoking, Physical exercise is one of the best resources we have.
What’s more, with just five minutes of physical activity a day can lower blood pressure, according to new research published in Circulationthe fruit of a large international academic collaboration led by the University of Sydney and University College London (UCL).
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“High blood pressure is one of the biggest health problems in the world. But, unlike some of the main causes of cardiovascular mortality, there may be forms relatively accessible ways to address the problemin addition to the medication“, the professor detailed Emmanuel Stamatakislead co-author of the study.
In the study, experts have analyzed the health data of more than 14,500 volunteers from five countries and linked them to daily activity in six categories: sleep, sedentary behavior, slow walking, fast walking, standing, and more vigorous exercise such as running, cycling, or climbing stairs.
Apparently, Scientists have developed a statistical model to test what would happen if an individual change various amounts of one behavior for another to estimate the effect on blood pressure of each scenario.
And they have also discovered that replacing sedentary behavior with 20-27 minutes of exercise a day could potentially reduce cardiovascular disease by up to 28% at the population level.
“Finding what to do just five more minutes of exercise a day could be associated with blood pressure readings noticeably lower underlines how powerful short bouts of higher intensity movement could be for blood pressure control“concluded the expert from the University of Sydney.
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