In recent years, there have been cases of people who found valuable coins in their change and, with US$1 or cents, they were able to obtain thousands of dollars in the case of coins from the past with unusual characteristics. But how about getting ahead and having one from the beginning that could have a high value in posterity?
US Mint to Launch 2024 Harriet Tubman Silver Dollar as part of the program commemorative coins which, on this occasion, will celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of the defender of the freedoms of black people.
According to what was announced, US$5 gold coins will be minted; US$1 silver coins; and clad half dollar coins with designs that follow the three periods of the life and work of Tubman, for example, his work during a 10-year period when he personally helped more than 70 people escape slavery and achieve freedom.
On the obverse of the silver coin shown to Harriet Tubman offering his hand to the viewer. On the reverse side, silhouettes are shown crossing a bridge created by a pair of intertwined hands. In the sky, the constellation Ursa Major points to the North Star, which forms the O in the word of.
United States Mint
At the same time, The half dollar coin tells the story of Harriet as a scout and spy for the Union Army when during the assault on the Combahee River she became the first woman to lead an expedition alongside 150 African-American Union soldiers, rescuing more than 700 enslaved people. On the obverse, the coin shows her leading two Civil War-era ships, while on the reverse she is holding a spyglass symbolizing her heroic contributions during the United States Civil War.

United States Mint
Finally, The US$5 gold coin portrays his life after the civil war and tells how he continued his commitment to helping those in need. On the obverse it presents an image of Harriet Tubman in her years after the war and on the reverse a gesture with both hands alluding to the fact that, until her death in 1913, she lived committed to freedom, women's suffrage and the dignity of everybody.

United States Mint
How much do they cost and how to get Harriet Tubman coins?
To obtain the commemorative coins, you must make the payment corresponding to the value of the coin, in addition to surcharges equivalent to an additional US$35 for each gold coin; US$10 for every silver dollar; and US$5 for every half dollar.
It should be noted that the additional costs will be used to finance a variety of organizations and projects that benefit the public and that Commemorative coins are only available from the United States Mint for a limited time.
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