ELA, LAB, ESK, Steilas, Etxalde and Hiru have registered in the Parliaments of Vitoria and Pamplona two Popular Legislative Initiatives (ILP) in favor of a “own” Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI) that reflects “the socioeconomic and union reality” of both territories.
These unions will work together to promote the initiatives developed in recent months to achieve the minimum wage for Euskadi and Navarra, consisting of an Interprofessional Agreement that sets a “own” minimum wage and a Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) with the aim that the Basque and Navarrese institutions “have the capacity” to establish a salary of this type, as they explained in a statement.
ELA, LAB, ESK, Steilas, Etxalde and Hiru consider that the path of the Interprofessional Agreement and the ILP are “complementary”so they are in favor of working on both formulas.
The first step in this process has been the registration in the parliaments of Euskadi and Navarra, this Wednesday, of ILPs so that the administrations of both territories have the capacity to regulate the legal minimum wage.
These organizations consider that the establishment of the minimum wage “has a protective dimension for the working class”, since this type of salary is established in all those activities that do not have the minimum reference guaranteed by collective bargaining or in which this reference is lower. .
Furthermore, they have stated that the minimum wage “must guarantee a sufficient level in all salaries, in general”. At the same time, they estimate that “as an instrument of social and economic policy, the minimum wage is also a mechanism for the distribution of wealth and social cohesion, which reduces the number of people below the poverty line and promotes wage negotiation.” upwards, even in sectors with conditions higher than legal ones”.
“A move towards sovereignty”
ELA, LAB, ESK, Steilas, Etxalde and Hiru consider that when setting the amount of the SMI for Euskadi and Navarra, different criteria can be used, always taking into account that “the amount set in the Spanish State is very far from guaranteeing decent living conditions for the workers of Hego Euskal Herria”.
On the other hand, they have pointed out that the SMI in Euskadi and Navarra “must respond to the differentiated will that Basque society demonstrates time and time again in union elections or through its capacity for mobilization.”
In this sense, they consider that “a new SMI that reflects the socioeconomic and union reality of Hego Euskal Herria “It would also be an advance towards sovereignty, and towards the configuration of a Basque framework of labor relations that improves the living conditions of the majority of society, through a fairer distribution of wealth.”
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