The Spanish public treasury opens the March auctions and this week will celebrate two bids, one of letters to six and twelve months, and another of the State’s obligations, Thursday.
In that auction, Thursday, the treasure will offer investors Obligations at seven yearsothers to ten, and others with a residual life of eight years and nine months, which expire on November 30, 2033.
In addition to these two bids, the treasure will celebrate another on March 11, from letters to three and nine months, and finally, on the 20th, of bonds and obligations of the State.
The last time Spain appealed to the market was on February 25, when it caught 7,000 million euros in debt at fifteen years through a syndicated emission.
On that bid, Spain paid a Annual interest of 3.5%while the lawsuit reached 95,000 million euros, a new record for this period, and that more than tripled the demand obtained in the previous fifteen -year trial made two years ago.
The operation received orders from 393 Inverting accountsvery diversified both from the geographical point of view and by investor typology.
#Treasury #opens #March #bid #letters #obligations