The Plenary Session of Santander has unanimously approved to demand that the parliamentary groups include in the Cantabria Budgets for 2025 an amendment to have an item for the study and start of the project for a high-rise car park in the current one at the Festival Palace. He PP has voted in favor of the PSOE motion despite the fact that he has rejected a transaction from the ‘popular’. The Councilor for Development, AgustĂn Navarro, has indicated that there is already the Government’s commitment to study this project and the mayor, Gema Igual, has questioned whether the PSOE brings this motion now and not when her party governed with the PRC despite which is “a project that was and is necessary.”
Navarro has indicated that the City Council has worked with Development on the “suitability” of this project and has announced that the Government plans put out to tender a study of park-and-ride in January 2025 in urban centers of the region, with an amount of 150,000 euros and a term of 10 months. “That location is contemplated there for the study of a parking lot,” he said.
The socialist spokesperson, Daniel Fernández, has detailed that he proposes this high-rise parking next to the Festival Palace where the current parking is located and covering it with a vertical garden, providing a solution to the “parking problem” that the neighbors have. “We would winThe new spaces for Santandera parking lot with enough spaces and with a discounted price for neighbors and a vertical garden that would connect Reina Victoria with Gamazo and, on the other hand, we gain as a green space and garden and recreational areas the entire promenade from Gamazo to Los Peligros,” he said. saying.
A joint meeting of the entire Corporation except Vox has been approved on the occasion of the celebration on November 30 of the World Day of ‘Cities for life and against the Death Penalty’
From Vox, the spokesperson, Laura Velasco, has criticized that “the party that most criminalizes the use of vehicles is concerned about the lack of parking” and has pointed out that Vox agrees with this parking so “it has already made a move.” in Parliament and has presented a partial amendment to begin its study. On behalf of the PRC, the spokesperson, Felipe Piña, has indicated that “once again we address the city’s chronic problem” and in an area where “neighbors are desperate due to the impossibility of parking their vehicles”, as in many other areas of Santander.
While the IU councilor, Keruin MartĂnez, has criticized that “the PSOE was in the Government and did nothing” despite the fact that their proposal “is not new” and they already raised it in 2019. But, he noted, he supports the motion because “it addresses the parking problem” although he believes that “the project should be qualified.”
In the plenary session, it was rrejected with the votes of PP and Vox a PSOE motion to urge the Government of Cantabria to write a study so that, if circumstances arise, it can declare Santander as a stressed residential market area, which has had the support of the IU councilor and the abstention of the PRC.
Fernández (PSOE) has defended applying this law in Santander to face “a very serious problem” for “give solutions” through stressed areas But, for this, it is necessary for the regional government to carry out the study to “act and regulate the market and thus correct the inequalities and the disproportionate increase in prices.” “They can act and they are not doing it, you will see how they explain it to the citizens,” the socialist snapped.
While Navarro (PP) has criticized the PSOE motion that was already proposed in March and has considered that the declaration of tense areas “we do not believe is good” for the neighbors nor that “it is a real solution.” From Vox, Velasco has considered that the right to housing “has gone to waste because of the PSOE housing law that punishes the owner and shields squatters” and after years of “wrong policies that have encouraged dependency and precariousness”, and has called for “putting private property back at the center of housing policies”.
On behalf of the PRC, Piña has considered that in Santander “there is tremendous difficulty in accessing housing with optimal guarantees” due to the high prices and it is “a problem that is increasing”, also due to the rise of tourist housing. This situation causes young people to have a “lack of independence” and “impossibility of forming a family” and, therefore, “many difficulties in the future.”
He has indicated that the average price of second-hand homes in Santander is 500,000 euros and, by area, in Castilla-Hermida it is 200,000 euros, in Alisal, Cazoña and San Román it is 243,000 euros, in General Dávila it is 182,000, in the center and City Hall in 215,000, in Puertochico in 440,000, in Numancia and San Fernando in 202,000 and in Valdenoja in 400,000. “This, really, no one can digest this,” he said, and called for action to be taken.
The IU councilor has considered it important to “accelerate regulation so that housing is what the Constitution says, a right and has a guarantee and protection.” However, it has been considered that the declaration of stressed areas is “a palliative” and what is “necessary”, in his opinion, is to “influence the stock of empty homes and large tenants.”
A motion from the PRC to request the convening of the Special Commission for Suggestions and Claims has also been addressed, which has declined with the vote against the PP despite adding the support of the entire opposition. At this point, the Councilor for Citizen Participation, Lorena GutiĂ©rrez, has explained that this commission functions as a second instance so its convocation depends on the existence of issues to be discussed and has considered that “it cannot be convened as a mere procedure empty of content.” “.
In addition, a joint meeting of the PP, PSOE, PRC and the councilor of IU has been approved, that is, the entire Corporation except Vox, on the occasion of the celebration on November 30 of the World Day of ‘Cities for life and against the Death Penalty’. From Vox, Velasco has indicated his non-adherence to this initiative because, on the one hand, “he defends life but does not talk about abortion or euthanasia.”
The Plenary has approved unanimously the knowledge and acceptance of delivery of the highway humanization project N-611 and N623 as they pass through Santander, prepared by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility with the aim of adapting the route to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. This mandatory procedure has been addressed for the execution of the project, which contemplates an investment of 11.8 million to humanize these journeys, adapt them to the urban fabric and promote active, sustainable and safe mobility with the construction of bike lanes and the widening of the sidewalks.
The PSOE spokesperson has claimed this work by the Government of Pedro Sánchez with an investment of almost 12 million euros to “fulfill a historic commitment and make the lives of many neighbors who insistently requested these works easier.” Faced with this, the mayor has regretted that “the noise” of the Government of Pedro Sánchez when She has personally thanked the minister for this projectĂ“scar Puente, despite the fact that the national Executive “discriminates against us”, but in this case “we must be fair and give thanks.”
From Vox, Velasco has indicated that it is a “necessary” project because it is “a historical demand of the neighbors” and “a unique opportunity to recover some abandoned areas of the city”, despite the fact that he has expressed “reservations” with some actions . For his part, the PRC spokesperson thanked the Ministry of Transport for the “will” to “improve” the city and the IU councilor was “satisfied that something is progressing in Santander.”
#Plenary #demands #allocation #Budgets #Cantabria #build #highrise #car #park #Festival #Palace