Thanks to the reviews on Google and other search engines, New clients can know in advance what the different restaurants will be like of the area before visiting them. Sometimes, they can be the product of a confrontation between the client and the owner of the premises.
Proof of this has been the answer that a waiter from a Vigo bar has given to the negative review that left a client. This has been shared through its X profile (previously Twitter) I am a waiter account. “The devil knows more as an old one than for the devil”, He has titled the profile the striking conversation that the two people had.
“Malísima attention to the public. Face food for the little amount they give and was very bad. In addition, The lord who attends is very derogatory. Waiting time too long, “you can read in the written review with bad spelling. In the image there is also the worker’s response, where he showed that everything was a lie.
“Hi Pilar, I feel that your experience with us has not been what you expected,” said the owner of the premises. Although before continuing, the owner made a note: “I regret that you would not like food. “
As explained, the woman, although she could not bring food from abroad, did do it and from there the discussion. “As I told you at the time, it is forbidden to bring food and drink outside the establishment. I understand that your mother’s food is richer, but we cannot allow it“The owner explained.
“Regarding not wanting to attend you again, it is simply because even if you have eaten and drink hidden, that the devil knows more like an old one than by devil, I know that being young gives rise to one believe that he is always right, but not“The owner of the premises ended his response.
The publication already has almost 27,000 views and there are few comments that have applauded the answer. “I hallucinate with people”, “Decaro to the enemy power” or “but sit on a part to eat”, they have been one of the most repeated messages.
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