The Junta of Andalusia yesterday he took stock of the recently concluded 2024 through the now classic christmas message of its president, Juanma Morenowhich culminated with a hand extended to the rest of the administrations and a plea in favor of the “Andalusian path of serenity and political moderation” in the face of the “noise and lies that increasingly flood public debate.”
So much so that although he included several direct requests to the Government of Spain, the speech was characterized by a review of the most notable indicators of the region, such as everything related to discharges in the Social security -almost three and a half million, “a historic figure”-, self-employed or companies.
Of the five annual messages launched to the citizens since the president was inaugurated, this is perhaps the one that has moved furthest from the political debate evident in that first speech of 2019. Then he forcefully demanded the end of the regional underfinancingan issue that has been almost the common thread during the five years, and that has also been present in the appearance issued this Tuesday, although in a more veiled way and, once again, turning necessity into a virtue. “We are making progress in healthin education and in dependence“, and we do it despite always receiving fewer resources than the richest autonomous communities,” explained Moreno from the port of Algeciras.
As already happened with the Seville Military Hospital in 2020 or with Doñana Natural Park In 2023, the enclave once again had a strong symbolic load in the narrative. If that health center showed the reinforcement of the Junta in the midst of the pandemic scourge and the marshes and wetlands spoke of the town and the environment in the face of the implacable drought, showing Juanma Moreno in front of a loading dock in full work allowed us to address several key concepts .
The first and most obvious, the good Andalusian data in terms of exports and the reality that the port of Algeciras is the “most important in Spain and the Mediterranean” and the “fourth in Europe.”
The second, that the “first maritime corridor of Green Hydrogenwhich will unite Algeciras and Rotterdam», in the Netherlands, «a project that will turn Andalusia into an energy power.»
The third, and no less skillful, is to remember the unavoidable context of the region as a recipient of immigration, “of people who dream and take risks for a better future,” in the words of Moreno, who assured that “Andalusia serves these people, for course”, but that it is also essential “a State migration policy that requests before the European Union the recognition of Andalusia as the Southern border of Europe”, as they are recognized Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.
And the last, linking again with that philosophy of consensus, that of aspiring to a “beneficial agreement for the Campo de Gibraltar after the Brexit», which is especially decisive for the nearby LÃnea de la Concepción. “I want to say clearly that the Government of Spain has the full support of Andalusia in this negotiation,” the president stressed.
Political reactions
For this reason, Moreno wanted to conclude, among his “best wishes for the year that begins”, summarizing his action and strategy as an “outstretched hand”, to the point of emphasizing that “here we have political stability and, although we have a majority enough, we practice dialogue with everyone: unions, businessmen, associations, political parties…».
The rest of the formations did not take the speech precisely in an inclusive manner, according to the reactions offered subsequently to its broadcast in Canal Sur Television at 2:45 p.m.
The first of them was the general secretary of the Socialist Party in Andalusia, Juan Espadaswho did not even wait to see what the president had to say. A few minutes before 1:00 p.m., he challenged Moreno to face a new year with “much more commitment and better management.” For example, in terms of health, education and dependency.
In this way he introduced that the Andalusians “we want solutions, no more propaganda, no more advertisements” and subtly attacked any vainglory: «We want Andalusia to progress -…- also to make decisions, to stop being delighted with being the way we are, because we already know it.»
This idea of ​​propaganda was the leitmotiv of the reactions of the rest of the Andalusian political parties under different, and creative, equivalent concepts. From For Andalusia, Inma Nieto He described the audiovisual content as “sleazy advertorial” and “full of triumphant messages and empty words that mean nothing to the majority of the population” who, he asserts, are dedicated to the “situation of inequality and poverty caused by their policies.”
José Ignacio GarcÃaspokesperson for Forward Andalusiaassured that the speech seemed to speak of a “science fiction Andalusia” from the very choice of the “set”, which led him to disfigure that “Moreno has had to look for one of the few places in Andalusia that are industrialized to hide the “This government’s true economic commitment is sun and beach tourism, drinks, precarious workers, exploiting our coasts and tourist apartments.”
Voxthrough its spokesperson Manuel Gaviradirectly stated that the video was nothing more than a “self-massage” far from “serious self-criticism.” The green party was especially concerned about “the worrying and fiery defense of illegal immigration”, understanding the Andalusian president’s words as having a “call effect.”
Finally, Toni Valero (United Left), warned that Moreno “brings out his privatization model when we all see the consequences”, for example that “the public services that depend on him, health, education and dependency have worsened in all their statistics.” They were the only ones who brought up the issue of SAS emergency contracts, to the point of expecting the Board to apologize for the corruption scandal.
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