The National Police i the Civil Guard will be integrated into the emergency system Catalonia through the CAT-112. It is one of the main holders of the Security Board of Catalonia of this saying, capçalada by the president of the Generalitat, Salvador Illaand that has been criticized by independent parties. It has also been agreed to establish a workspace to address the possible expansion of the Mossos d’Esquadrapassing from the 22,000 planned in 2030 to 25,000 agents. The Department, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration will participate.
Contrary to what has been previously hinted at, what has not been agreed upon is that the Mossos assume the security powers ports and airports or is directly integrated into theEuropol. The Board went to the Palau de la Generalitat and was attended by the Minister of the Interior and Public Security, Núria Parlonand the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaskatogether with the maximum representatives of the departments of the two governments.
The member of the Spanish executive has defended that the integration of the state services to the CAT-112 will mean that each trick has “a faster response”. Marlaska defends that it is a very important step to improve citizen security and has shown conviction to be building “one of the safest countries in the world.” Parlon has detailed what it will allow “a more agile response” Therefore, when 112 receives an emergency, the relevant information will be alerted “depending on the competence that was activated”.
The reaction of Together Yo CKD It has not been expected: the independent parties have charged against the Government for “descatalanitzar” and “espanyolitzar” the 112. “A measure that decatalanitza the emergency service, which the various governments of the Generalitat have anat has built with efficiency during any time,” the leader of Junts lamented to X, Carles Puigdemont. The ERC group speaks “d’espanyolització” and has demanded the appearance of Parlon to the Parliament in order to have renounced the competencies in security that, they assure, the Government of Esquerra had agreed upon.
Last weekend, with the PSC leadership applauding, the president of the Spanish government is going to announce a measure that will de facto preclude exclusive competences in housing. Ara, his Minister of the Interior agrees with the Illa government to a measure that de-catalanitizes the…
— krls.eth / Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) December 5, 2024
“The 155 forcibly enters our institutions with Salvador Illa as president. It is now with the Mossos d’Esquadra, the comprehensive police of Catalonia,” the general secretary of Junts told Xarxes, Jordi Turull. The former councilor and republican deputy Ester Capella He has stated that he does not understand why the Government has renounced security powers for ports and airports. “Giving up more powers in security is giving up the security of Catalans and Catalans,” he said.
Other measures
Parlon has assured that competencies They are “welcome” but it has been said that “they have to be able to execute and donate-and respond with efficiency.” “I will not bring in police officers to assume powers and donate a greater response,” stressed the head of the Interior, who has made it clear that “the one that is important for the councilor and the president is expand the figure of effects“. In this line, he recalled that currently the cost is made up of 19,070 agents and that the Generalitat and the Ministeri have a current agreement to reach the figure of 22,000 by 2030.
Another of the measures that have been agreed upon is that the Mossos, in coordination with both Rural Agentsassumeixin the investigation of crimes and illicit administrative relations related to the environmentalwithout prejudice to those that, in having an over or extra-community dimension, correspond to the State security systems. They have also agreed that in the first quarter of 2025 the interconnection of the monitoring systems of the cases of gender violence SIAV and Viogen2.
On the other hand, it has been agreed that by 2025, the Mossos will join the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Capital Laundering and Monetary Offenses (SEPBLAC) ial’Actius Recovery and Management Officeamong other measures. Ask for the commissioner of the National Police to Via Laietanathe minister has said that the question has not been addressed to the board and that the position of the Minister of the Interior has not been changed, or he continued that it is kept in the building.
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