The Archbishop of Seville, José Antonio Saiz Meneses, He gave him to Pope Francis, On the occasion of his visit to the Vatican on February 8, a loop ham, with a denomination of origin of Jabugo, 100% Iberian acorn, about eight kilos of … weight. This product has a cost in the market that ranges between 50 and 75 euros per kilo.
Isabel Guerrero Gómez She is the owner of “Divine Ham”, the establishment to which the archbishopric commissioned him the gift that its headline took to his holiness ten days ago. Located next to the parish of La Milagrosa, in the Sevillian neighborhood of Nervión, it could not have a more suitable name for one of its highest quality pieces to end in the hands of God’s maximum representative on earth.
Sources of that ham business say that the call of Palace with the order Archbishop arrived on Monday, February 3. «On Tuesday the piece was cut, on Thursday we delivered it and on Saturday they gave it to the Dad. It is one of the best hams we have, although we only work with the best brands and the most recognized for their quality, “they explain in Divine Ham.
Divine ham It has a “white” room where the ham is lunch. “The piece that we gave to the archbishopric took almost two hours to cut it to one of our employees with the care and the ability that characterizes us.” Cutting ham is an art that is not available to anyone and the category of «Cutter teacher» It is promoted – and endorsed – by numerous competitions and competitions. Spain has many world champions of this specialty/skill related to the ham “premium.”
Although divine ham since 2019 at its nervous headquarters, the people who work in this business lead all their lives dedicated to Iberian ham. «Our sign of identity is the quality and selection of gender and we sell the best hams that can be found in Seville, always of the most recognized brands such as Lazo, five jotas, Arturo Sánchez, Julián Martín, etc. What happens is that today there are so many brands in Spain that it is more difficult to make a bad ham than good, but when you know how to select, many hams are left behind that do not respond to what they should be, “explain business sources.
Isabel Guerrero Gómez, owner of Divino Ham
In this establishment, which has acquired a lot of prestige in a short time, 1,500 hams can be “touched” to select a maximum of 800, depending on the time of the year. «There are hams that sometimes do not give the size, Like there are others that passlike everything in life. That is why gender selection is so important and having the confidence of companies – adds – because in ham the differences of quality are enormous, while price differences are not so many. And they add: »We strive to give a good service to the public and although in this guild everyone fails, including us, when that happens we try to amend those failures. Although we fail little «.
With the gift of the archbishopric of Seville to the Pope, one could not, however, fail. And the ham sent to the Vatican was tested six times before delivery. “We do it with all the hams we cut,” They explain. And if there is any anomaly or any doubt, the company is spoken to find a solution. “If it is wrong, it is returned, and if you have a minor problem, then it is resolved.”
Pope Francis He became ill of bronchitis two days after the visit in which he was delivered to the ham and in the company they have not been able to receive any comments on that particular. “We hope you recover soon and like it,” they say in the divine ham.
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