The Minister of Social Rights and Inclusion of the Generalitat, Mònica Martínez Bravo, explained that the Government foresees completely deploy the management of the minimum vital income (IMV) in 2026, but that over 2025 predicts to start seeing the first results.
He has said it within the framework of the Social Rights Commission of the Parliament of Catalonia on Tuesday, in which the state of the Transfer of competences in relation to the management of the IMVapproved in 2024, and its complementarity with the guaranteed income of citizenship (RGC).
IMV transfer includes Application processing and managementwith a management model that follows the standards of the National Social Security Institute (INSS), the monitoring of the files and the cases, the review of the amounts and the processing of the outstanding files.
For that, the Government calculates that it will require The incorporation of 174 people to process the benefit40 people dedicated to delegated intervention, legal advice and 60 people of citizen care teams.
The Single Window of Catalonia
The Generalitat figure in 67% the ‘non Take-up’ rate of the IMV in Catalonia, that is, of people who could receive the benefit and do not; Of that 67%, 17 points correspond to people who already receive the RGC and the procedures do not continue.
Martínez Bravo has reaffirmed its willingness to automate management processes for make them more efficient and effectiveso they are creating the corresponding digital infrastructure and closing agreements for the interoperability of the data with the police, the registration, the Civil Registry, the Tax Agency or the General Treasury of Social Security, among others.
It will also create a virtual unique window that will allow, from the second semester of 2025, The management of the RGC, and a few months later, of the IMV; This window will be combined with face-to-face support and work with local entities to try to reduce the ‘non take-up’ rate.
IMV reinvestment
Asked by several groups for the “savings” that the IMV would be for the Generalitat, Martínez Bravo has assured that The commitment is to reinvest that money to expand the coverage of the benefits and complement the income. He also said that these benefits are not a help, but a “impulse platform” for the trajectory of these people.
The Minister has clarified that, although the beneficiaries will continue to receive two different resolutions for the RGC and the IMV, These will be done in a coordinated and joint way; Likewise, the IMV payment will continue to manage the INSS. Given the accusations of the deputy of Vox María García, who has branded the transfer transfer “to the separatists”, Martínez Bravo recalled that Communities like Galicia are also managing transfer.
He added that he is an advance towards a state of well -being more agile and close to citizens, and has claimed that Everyone has the right to have Minimum income to live and cover basic expenses.
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