The aid from Madrid residents for those affected by DANA has not arrived in its entirety and is still stored in the spaces that the Government Delegation made available to the Federation of Municipalities of Madrid to store donated food, drink and clothing. Of the 13,000 pallets accumulated, 3,000 have been sent to Valencia and 1,500, which contained perishable food, They have been allocated to social entities in Madrid. The Delegation has clarified in a statement that only the necessary material requested by the emergency services has been sent so as not to waste resources and block the supply network.
“This ‘on demand’ shipment has meant supplying the material that was needed without wasting donations or blocking supply networks and collection points with material that was not going to be used by emergency services or the population,” they have detailed from the Delegation, led by Francisco MartÃn. On November 1, the device was activated to store and distribute aid donated in the region. For this, eight storage spaces were opened, of which five are currently operational. In these spaces, a total of 13,000 pallets with various goods have been received, of which 3,000 have been sent to Valencia.
“Transfers of material to Valencia continue to be carried out, always depending on a demand that is already very limited and that for many days has been zero, with the express indication of not overflowing the storage and distribution networks at destination, which have already collapsed, the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and the Generalitat Valenciana were telling us,” the representatives of the central government in the region have detailed. From the Delegation they clarify that perishable foods They are being distributed to social entities, such as the Food Bank, Cáritas, the Red Cross or Zero Hunger, among others.
1,500 pallets of this type of products have already been allocated to entities and another 1,000 will be added for Christmas. “This means that 53% of the aid received has already been remitted, excluding clothing and water, products not in demand from Valencia,” they clarified. Likewise, it has been specified that All the help they request will continue to be sent from Valencia, But, they clarify, “it is our responsibility to guarantee that the generous solidarity of the people of Madrid is not spoiled, making it possible for it to be taken advantage of by people in vulnerable situations who undoubtedly need it.”
“This demonstrates the inability and inefficiency in management,” declared the general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, upon hearing the news. “When you decide to take on a responsibility such as coordinating, you have to be prepared not only to accommodate the solidarity of the people of Madrid, but also the logistics to transport it,” he noted. The number two of the party has asked MartÃn for explanations to explain to the municipalities what he has done with all the resources sent and what he will do with those of a perishable nature. “He has been more aware of attacking the president of the Community and appearing in photos than in his own work,” Serrano remarked.
The Government Delegation in Madrid has pointed out that has reported “continuously” to the Federation of Municipalities of the situation of donations. Likewise, last week the mayors of the region were informed how the resources were being managed. Furthermore, they have indicated that they are not going to “participate in the attempt by some to obtain political gain using the pain and emergency of the Valencian people.”
#Government #send #aid #DANA #donated #Madrid #residents #unnecessary #criticizes #inability