The new contestant of Survivors, Carmen Alcaydearrived during Sunday night to the Cays Cochinos. The late incorporation was due to the fact that the collaborator supplies the place of Beatriz Rico, who decided to leave a week ago.
“Have you thought about it?” Sandra Barneda To the contestant, who was especially excited and cheerful. “If it was one day to another!” Carmen replied gracefully. “I’m happy for changing Madrid’s winter for this paradise“He said.
Despite the happiness that Alcayde showed, he also sincere and told his fears: “I am afraid of heights, bugs, cockroaches… but I have a positive mentality, I have done coaching”
The emotion increased when Carmen went up to the helicopter and decided to devote her leap. “As Valenciana, I subscribe to the words that Borja said“, began remembering the words of his partner, who jumped with a flag of the Valencian Community for the Dana.
“And I want to dedicate it to everyone The volunteers who came from all over Spain to fill with mud and help us in the Dana“Carmen Alcayde added as a special dedication to all Spaniards who moved to the affected places to help.
The emotion led the contestant to spill some tears. “It is also For my family, my boy, and especially my childrenMom is going to jump, “he prepared to make the helicopter jump. It took a few seconds, but finally, he did it with courage.
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