They were half past seven in the afternoon, with the darkness and becoming strong at this point in February, when An eleven -year -old girl that came out of the weekly English class on Thursdays ran scared stairs to warn … To the teacher. A man, as he said, had stopped with his van at the doors of the multi -purpose downtown center (Segovia) in which the lessons are taught and asked if he wanted to leave with him. The little girl did not hesitate, and fled.
Not an hour later, the news of the alleged rapture attempt ran like gunpowder in WhatsApp groups and mouth to mouth for a fold. And with her, they woke up Your worst memories. And this case is not the only one of similar characteristics that live in this town of less than a thousand inhabitants -although the whole of the municipality, of which the cores of Tizneros and La Higuera are also part, rises above 1,500 -. “A few years ago,” they have passed, they recall.
It was in the spring 2017, When up to three cases – there were only two complaints before the Civil Guard – unleashed alerts and fears for three theoretical kidnapping attempts of as many minors, one of them also in a spirited. The other two, in the localities of the environment of Segovia capital of VAlverde del Majano and San Cristóbal de Segovia.
Of those cases there were no detainees that would transcend, although the similarities with the lived have increased fears and precautions among neighbors. Also a man aboard a van -on that occasion of dark color– He offered the little ones to get on him. Then, as they narrated their parents and appeared in the complaints, offered money in return.
This time, among the few details that have transcended, the offer to the little girl was limited to being on board. The girl fled fast. An alleged rapting attempts of a little girl to whomthere is “fear” among the neighbors, He recognizes one of them, with a son also in school age who had just gone to English classes the time before the same center.
Being a town, he points, Some little ones go alone. Now, he points out, “they are more cautious.” And, he warns, the location of the Multiusos Center, at the foot of crossing, does so “Very accessible” and with easy departure from this town less than eight kilometers from Segovia Capital.
At the moment they have no more details of who could be or what he intended to take the little girl, from whom they give credibility to what he told. So They are “speculation” And the most repeated is that it can be “a pedophile.” Of how little it is known, that it was a large and white van, Mercedes brand. What came to see the English teacher when she went out to the student’s alert. The vehicle was already leaving.
Those few details that the City Council itself made known to its neighbors, and in general, through different social networks, in the same Thursday afternoon he said that a girl who came out of English “has lived a worrying situation” when a man approached her and “has asked him if he wanted to leave with him.” «The scared girl ran to English, and the teacher went down immediately, but only He could see that he was indeed a Mercedes van», The text continued, in which they also asked to be” attentive “and extreme” precautions. ” “Very careful!” The statement ended.
With what happened already informed of the Civil Guard, andThe same afternoon-night, a broad control of security forces controlled finger accesses. Although they are aware that without the registration of the vehicle “it will be difficult” to find the alleged author of the Rapture attempt.
At the moment, the neighbors breathe something to verify that it has not happened again, although not two days ago, and in their heads this event is piled up and those denounced a few years ago, mixed with a robbery «at ten o’clock The morning »on Monday in an establishment of the town. “Concern” continues to dominate To many and the voices that demand the installation of cameras in the entrances to the town, “like those in the Plaza Mayor,” emphasize, to “control” the vehicles.
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