Cultural differences between regions can manifest themselves in tolerance towards different behaviors
Cultural differences between regions can manifest themselves in aspects such as gastronomy, language or the hospitality of their people, but also in social norms and tolerance towards different behaviors. In this sense, it is not uncommon for a gesture that is considered rude in one country to be completely normal in another. Something that, sometimes, can generate cultural clashes.
This is what happened to the TikTok user Ana Conradoa Spanish woman known for sharing her experiences in Finland. In his latest video, Conrado mentions that, based on his experiences, belching in public does not seem to be frowned upon in Finland, although he warns that his perception may not be completely accurate.
Conrado relates that during his first week in Finland, he witnessed a person burp in publican incident that passed without provoking negative reactions among those present. This experience led her to question whether such behavior was socially acceptable or simply a courtesy so as not to make the individual uncomfortable.
The TikToker also shared an incident with a child, whom she scolded for burping in public. To his surprise, the boy showed amazement at his reaction. This incident motivated her to investigate more about this cultural aspect. By talking to locals, Conrado discovered that although it is not a commonly accepted practice and it is considered more appropriate to burp in private, in Finland there is a wider tolerance towards belching in public spaces.
#custom #accepted #Finland #Spain #rude #didnt