“I was stunned,” he said. Marc Giro during the premiere of his program, Late Xou, in La 1 in a special way. The presenter read the headline of a news item that disturbed him: “They denounce the practice of conversion therapies for homosexual people in several Spanish dioceses”.
Giró’s opening monologue was all a criticism with its characteristic sarcastic humor. “In Spain, nothing else, but homosexuals are very capilillas,” he complained.
“The body of the news says that homosexuality comes from traumas in the development of identity and maturity, so it can be reversed,” he explained. This was done in several phases: “Prayer, abstinence and chastity“.
“I’m about to sign up, because I’ve been a faggot for so long that I’m exhausted.“, he said, unleashing laughter in the audience. “I, due to circumstances, have gone 10 days, or two or three years, without fornicating,” he revealed. “Do those days already count me as heterosexual?“He asked in an ironic tone.
He also asked about what we call chastity. “Does the straw count?” he questioned. “If I pray and don’t fornicate, am I straight? “Is that easy?” he kept asking. After the brief appearance of Raúl Tejón, who asked him not to convert before having a meeting with him, he reflected: “It’s going to cost me less to give up homosexuality than to quit smoking.”
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