The castle of ‘Snow White’ and other Royal Disney locations that you can visit

The one that Disney has chosen the Alcazar of Segovia as the premiere of the live-action of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs In Europe it has not been a coincidence. It was based to design the castle where the princess inhabited with the stepmother, a technique of influencing real places around the world that they have used on more than one occasion since the factory and has used Spain on two outstanding occasions.

The Alcázar de Segovia: the castle of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’

The premiere of the Live-Action of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs He has put the focus on this classic of the fairy tales that was Disney’s first feature film, in 1937. And with this, the fact that the castle that appears in this animated film is familiar to us, because without going any further, its real inspiration is in Segovia and was the official residence of Reyes at its peak.

He Alcazar de Segovia It served as a reference to create the Snow White Castle, a theory that circulated for a long time, but that was confirmed in 2023, when by Disney’s centenary it was revealed that it had been so. This fortress, which stands out for its tribute tower, was built in the twelfth century, possibly on a previous Roman construction, and served as a residence of the Trastámara dynasty.

Spain was influenced again to generate films of the factory when The Plaza de España from Seville served to create the planet Naboo in Star Wars: Episode II, the attack of the clones released in 2002.

Callanish stones: ‘Brave’ Scotland

The United Kingdom, specifically London, has been the scene of many Disney classics, such as 101 Dalmatians, Peter Pan either Winnie The Poohbut it has also influenced other less known places such as Callanish stonesin Stornowaywhich appear as one of the environments of the Scotland that recreates Brave.

The Callanish stones They are a prehistoric set, dated between 2900 and 2600 a. C., formed by 13 monoliths that create a 13 meters in diameter cromelech and whose disposition remembers a distorted Celta Cruz form. These were also a model for the Craight Na Dun Stone Circle, from the series Outlanderbased on the books of Diana Gabaldon.

Monte Saint-Michel: The world of ‘entangled’

France is another of Disney’s favorite countries for its fictional locations, with classics such as Notre Dame’s hunchback, Beauty and the beast either Ratatouille set in the country. One of the least known is the case of the tourist place Monte Saint-Michelwhich served as inspiration to create the town and castle of the film Tangledbased on the fairy tale of Rapunzel. This town is Unesco’s World Heritage Since 1979 for its peculiar location on a small rocky island of the Couesnon river estuary, northwest of France. Thus, it is one of the most visited places in the country by millions of tourists.

Dubrovnik: the town of ‘La Sernita’

It is one of the most tourist cities in Europe and partly for having been location for the filming of the series Game of Thrones, But what few know when they visit Dubrovnik is that it served as a reference to create the people in which Prince Eric and the one who visits Ariel when he becomes human in the classic The Little Mermaid.

Dubrovnik, south of Croatia, was influence for the locations of the fortified zone, and has one of the most prominent historical centers in Europe, which has made it a reference site at the tourist level, but also a World Heritage of the UNESCO’s humanity through its old city.

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