Austria: Van der Bellen wants to make Schallenberg interim chancellor
Austria's Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen wants to appoint Alexander Schallenberg as interim chancellor. He announced that he would ...
Austria's Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen wants to appoint Alexander Schallenberg as interim chancellor. He announced that he would ...
Michel Barnier is known to the French as a proud man and a formidable mediator. The 73-year-old Savoyardeer was often ...
Michel Barnier is known to the French as a proud man and a formidable mediator. The 73-year-old Savoyardeer was often ...
The group acted very conspiratorially, but internally they made no secret of their views. The Federal Prosecutor General (GBA) determined ...
Dhe invitation for AfD politicians to the opening of the Berlinale has caused international criticism. Now the festival leadership has ...
TDespite the drizzle, significantly more than the announced 100,000 people gathered in Berlin for a demonstration against the AfD and ...
Participation in the demonstrations against right-wing extremism exceeded expectations across Germany - and also in... Munich The emergency services are ...
From the perspective of racism researcher Fatoş Atali-Timmer, the protests are not yet enough. To defend democracy, It shouldn't just ...
At least 300,000 people are demonstrating nationwide against right-wing extremism Against the AfD, for democracy At least 300,000 people are ...
The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schusterlooks into the Demonstrations against the AfD an important ...