Laura, Juan de la Cierva’s great grandigger, goes to ‘First Dates’ in search of love
The spectators of First Dates They traveled Thursday to the Far West To live a real film night in the ...
The spectators of First Dates They traveled Thursday to the Far West To live a real film night in the ...
"I trust a lot in 'Sudapollismo'you have to sweat everything except what is really important. If I find out that ...
"I can't live without adrenalinethat feeling, for me, is the engine of life, gives me a spark, "Carola said in ...
"A whole year waiting and, finally, Valentine's Week has arrived, the most romantic of the year"Carlos Sobera said at the ...
With its classic "Hasn't it been a perfect night to find love?"Richard Pena, the actor in charge of providing the ...
Carlos Sobera The special 2,000 programs of First Dates commenting that "I am the luckiest man in the world in ...