Swimming pools | This is the man who got a long ban from all Espoo swimming pools

The man who received an exceptional ban on Espoo’s swimming pools has caused problems in other sports venues as well. He has diligently reported the incidents on his social media accounts.

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The city of Espoo ordered a three-month curfew to the man in the swimming halls.

The man is a 40-year-old social media personality with a background in bodybuilding.

He has misbehaved in swimming pools and gyms.

The man publishes videos of his disputes and phone conversations online.

Three month curfew Background information has been revealed about the man who got into all Espoo’s swimming halls, which paints a picture of him as a serial troublemaker.

According to HS’s information, it is about a 40-year-old active social media personality who has had numerous disagreements with authorities and law enforcement agencies.

Based on the man’s social media videos, his modus operandi seems to be that when he gets into trouble in public spaces, he starts filming events with his cell phone and publishes the videos online. The man uses quite violent expressions, challenges people to “street fights” and sometimes also speaks in a racist manner. He also records the phone conversations he has and publishes them.

The man has a background in bodybuilding.

Male the activity made headlines when the city of Espoo banned him for three months to all city swimming pools.

City of Espoo’s director of sports services Jarmo Ikävalko did not agree to comment on the man’s identity. Earlier, he told HS in a general way that the man who got the ban has repeatedly had to deal with the swimming control and in some places even the police. The man has behaved badly, for example, in the swimming halls of Leppävaara and Matinkylä.

“The use has been for a long time and now during this fall the situation has escalated. There have been a few serious cases,” Ikävalko told HS.

Ikävalko also said that the man has been guilty of racism towards children with a foreign background and has acted as a “swimming supervisor” with his own license.

The first record of the man’s inappropriate behavior was from 2021. However, Ikävalko believed that there had been inappropriate behavior even before that. The man has also been reported to the safety and chemical agency Tukes.

HS information according to the Espoo swimming hall, the man was especially angry that the children were wearing swimming trunks in the sauna. According to his own account, he took one little boy with a foreign background in particular for an interview.

“During the year, I said about a thousand times about that,” the man says in his video.

When the boy replied to the man that he had permission to wear swimming trunks, the man asked him “was it permission from Allah”. When the police were called to the scene, the man “posed”. [poseerasi] his muscles,” he says in his video.

According to HS, the children were afraid of the man.

Wearing swimming trunks in the sauna is a classic dispute in swimming halls, for example HS has written in 2023.

According to a common urban legend, it would be dangerous to breathe chlorine vaporized from swimwear in a sauna, but that is not true. Rather, the reason for the ban on swimming trunks can be found in basic hygiene; even if a swimmer goes from the sauna to the pool through the shower, there is so much sweat and other dirt left in the swimsuit that it overloads the pool’s cleaning system.

HS information according to the man has also caused problems in several gyms. It is known that his activities have been interfered with in numerous ways. According to the phone calls recorded by the man, other gym customers have made many complaints about him to gym owners.

However, none of the gyms wants to comment on the behavior of the troublemaker to HS, even anonymously. A representative of one gym was content to call the man “special”.

The man’s social media videos show several different dispute situations from gyms in which he is involved.

No recent litigation or criminal judgments were found with the man’s name in the district courts of the capital region.

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