Oriental cuisine seduces the palate with its Umami notes, its unmistakable condiments, the comforting hot dishes such as ramen or the centenarians of Sushi. The Asian fury does not stop growing: a report by Delectatech, a Big Data company specialized in restoration, concluded after analyzing 250,0000 establishments that 34% of Spanish restaurants are specialized in international food. And of them, 21% are already Asians.
If you have not yet discovered the Asian pantry, in its typical cuisine you will find fantastic foods for your health, ideal to discover new flavors, take care of your microbiota, improve the immune system or diversify protein sources.
These are six of the most popular Asian ingredients, available both in specialized stores and in large surfaces. Any of them will not only improve your diet, but will also rejoice your kitchen.
Tofu, the most versatile vegetable protein
It is one of the most consumed foods in China and Japan, and also one of the most helpful and complete meat alternatives in vegan and vegetarian diets, thanks to its very important contribution of protein, The Spanish Nutrition Federation points out.
To prepare it, a process of elaboration similar to cheese is followed, using coagulated soy milk as an ingredient. The main variants are the firm – more used in salty dishes, stews or salads – and the Silkenor silky tofu, ideal for desserts.
This healthy processing shines for its high nutritional density, having many nutrients in a few calories: it has the nine essential amino acids and is a great fiber source, calcium, iron, thiamine, selenium or magnesium. It is also rich in healthy fats such as alpha-linolenic acid.

Its isoflavones, a type of natural phytogens, reduce bad cholesterol and take care of your heart, improve arterial elasticity and prevent hypertension.
But there is much more: the Tofu consumption It has been related to less risk of different types of cancer – different, breast or prostate -, with the relief of menopause symptoms and the reduction of the risk of anemia and osteoporosis, due to its contribution of iron and calcium.
Don’t you know where to start? Start by preparing the recipe of Crispy Tofu de la Gloria Vegana, the Galician tofu of Gipsy chef or the Encebollado tofu of Peace Love Vegan.
Kimchi, the Korean Treasury
It is the glue par excellence in Korea and has the recognition of the UNESCO of Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Its ancestral recipe consists of fermented China – sometimes replaced by turnip or cabbage – with ginger and Chile. It can wear fish or vegetable broth and include a wide range of vegetables such as cucumber, carrot, scallions, bamboo, turnip or celery. It is said that there are up to 800 ways to prepare it: if you do it at home, you just have to imagine yours.
Ideal for spicy lovers, Kimchi allows you to incorporate beta -carotene, folate, hill, probiotics, fiber or antioxidants to your diet. It gives you vitamins such as A, C and K, minerals such as potassium or calcium and multiple amino acids. A advice? Add it to you Wok Preferred, combine it with rice and egg, give a touch to your salads or reinforce a sandwich with a good Arzúa or Teetilla cheese.
Tempeh, the tasty probiotic delicacy
Originally from Indonesia, especially from the island of Java, and very present throughout the Southeast Asia, the Tempeh is a very special food that will help you to add quality protein to your stews, salads or snacks.
Although the usual thing is to prepare this fermented with soybeans, you can find it from other legumes, such as chickpeas or pea. You can also prepare it at home, following Guides like the blog Dance of Fogones.
He Tempeh It is rich in probiotics, minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus, and vitamins of group B, and provides as much protein as a veal fillet or a chicken breast. It also shines for its manganese contribution.
In addition to an exquisite flavor, Tempeh improves insulin resistance, is anti -inflammatory, strengthens your defenses and the health of your intestinal microbiota. In works such as The Book of Tempeh (1985) of the Harpercollins publishing house you can inspire with up to 130 recipes with this delicacy. In addition, on the Cookpad digital platform You will find another 140 ideas.

Wasabi, the magic spicy
Or you love or hate it: there is usually no medium term with the Wasabi, one of the most typical and older Japanese condiments. Surely you have seen this phosphorite green paste accompanying the Sashimi, the sushi and other fish and seafood elaborations.
This Native Japanese plant belongs to the cruciferous family, so it is related to mustard, choles or turnip. Its spicy feels in the nose and can make you tear due to an extremely volatile compound called alilo isotiocyanate.
What can the Wasabi do for you? It is digestive, beneficial for defenses thanks to its contribution of vitamin C and has promising antibacterial, anticancer and anti -inflammatory qualities detected in studies Laboratory and animals.
You can spread it directly on your favorite sushi, prepare Wasabi mayonnaise, add it to a tartar, season Snacks Crispy algae or encourage you with an ice cream refreshing of Wasabi. Learn to distinguish the authentic of the false here.
Similar in appearance to the beans or the tirabeques, the editions are the immature soybeans, a legume that stands out for its soft and creamy texture and its rich flavor.
As for its great nutritional profile, they provide about 10 grams of protein; 9 carbohydrates and 5 fiber per 100 grams of products. But in addition, the Asian legume is a wonderful source of minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, sodium and manganese, along with vitamin C, K and B9. And, on the other hand, its low glycemic index makes it an ideal food for the diet of people with diabetes.
If you eat editions often, you will get benefits such as a better intestinal transit, the increase in bone density or maintenance of the muscles. It has checked Also that its plant compounds improve the lipid profile in blood, and that its omega-3 fatty acids help combat bad cholesterol, prevent the formation and accumulation of plaque in the arteries and avoid arrhythmias.
How to prepare them? You can boil them in water and saute them in the pan or in the air fryer. Then, condim them with soy sauce and scales from Chile, or add your favorite condiments such as ginger, lemon, roasted sesame or pepper. You will get a perfect peck to complement other healthy alternatives such as sunflower pipes.
If you like the taste of this legume, also try to incorporate edamames to stews, rice, Bowls or pokes. You can even dare to version The traditional hummus and replace the chickpea with Edamame.

Wakame (and other algae)
Algae are one of the great treasures of Asian gastronomy, and Wakame deserves a special consideration. It has a tender texture and a delicate marine flavor, with sweet nuances. It has been consumed for 10,000 years in Japan, it is a key ingredient of traditional Chinese medicine and you can use it for patches with roasted vegetables, for silky salads, for miso soup, such as garrison of white fish and red meat or with mollusks such as clams or The mussels.
Only 10 grams of Wakame give you 280% of the recommended iodine intake. 100 grams have six times more calcium than a glass of milk and more iron than veal. You can buy it fresh in salt, canned natural, dehydrated or frozen.
Do not miss the opportunity to have more Asian algae in your kitchen, from the Nori algae – that of the Makis – to the nutritious spirulina or the Kombu algae, a key ingredient for the preparation of the Japanese Dashi broth.
In the Asian pantry there is much more: little perishable products such as rice vinegar, sesame oil, miso paste, soybeans or kuzu, a thickener rich in highly used starch are also recommended.
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