14 years have passed since a Peruvian film was nominated for the last and only time at the Oscar awards. On that occasion our representative was 'La teta scareda', directed by Claudia Llosa and starring Magaly Solier. The Republic had an interview with the national director Sandro Venturawho highlighted that the lack of support from the State does not allow our films to have visibility both internationally and in Peru, something that makes it difficult for us to be considered by the Academy.
The well-known filmmaker stressed that the lack of money, added to the high taxes on the film industry, are the main reasons why we are at a disadvantage compared to other countries in the region, such as Colombia, Mexico, Chile, among others, which do They are protagonists of the most important awards for the seventh art.
Money: the main reason why Peruvian cinema is not nominated for an Oscar
Sandro Ventura points out that it is the same production companies that are in charge of promoting the films involved in the Oscar and for this you need money. To explain this case, he gives us an example of what happened with 'The scared tit', our only representative at the Academy Awards. It indicates that Claudia Llosa's film was part of a campaign by Spanish producers that allowed her nomination.
Likewise, it highlights that there are several Peruvian films that win different awards abroad, but that do not generate an impact in the country, since no one finds out about it due to the lack of promotion. “The issue of promotion is left aside. We are a country that believes that everything Peruvian is bad, So if we don't believe it, we are hardly going to make the world believe that we have a good product.”, he commented.
Peruvian cinema vs. cinema in Latin America
Regarding the economic issue, Sandro Ventura He also commented that cinema in Peru is very far from other countries, such as Argentina, Mexico or Colombia, not to mention the United States and Canada.