Sanchez will not go to the commission about Begoña Gómez of the Madrid Assembly for being a camera without state powers

The presidency of the Government has notified the Madrid Assembly that Pedro Sánchez will not appear on Wednesday in the Commission for the activity of his wife, Begoña Gómez, in the Autonomous Parliament. The Government’s decision, communicated through a letter from the Chief of Cabinet of Sánchez, Diego Rubio, to the President of the Assembly, Enrique Ossorio, is based on the consideration that the Madrid Parliament is a camera without powers to control the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the National Executive

The official communication occurs after the Madrid Assembly, with the impulse of the Popular Party and Vox, requested Sánchez’s appearance in the framework of parliamentary research on the possible favor of favor that Begoña Gómez could have received to obtain A chair in the UCM.

From Moncloa they have insisted that there is no legal obligation that forces the president to submit to the commission, based on legal history and in previous opinions of the State Council. “They have no power to require the appearance of state authorities,” explains the head of the Cabinet of Sánchez, Diego Rubio.

The parliamentary groups of Más Madrid and PSOE decided last week to leave the Research Commission of the Madrid Assembly on Begoña Gómez, wife of President Pedro Sánchez, considering that he has become a “circus” and a political “show” promoted political by the Popular Party to obtain media holders. Both parties criticized that the commission, instead of seeking serious investigation, has become a “partisan maneuver.”

In the letter sent by Moncloa to the presidency of the Madrid Assembly, several opinions of the State Council are cited in the same direction. One of them is 193/2016, which establishes that the citations “have to circumscribe, therefore, to the action in their competence of the authorities and officials of the Autonomous Community.”

Pedro Sánchez’s citation has tried to force the PP in Madrid to relive the commission after not having made progress or has presented conclusive evidence about alleged irregularities. This lack of advances and the abandonment of PSOE and more Madrid, weakens the tour of the investigation and make the popular ones free to freeze it.

#Sanchez #commission #Begoña #Gómez #Madrid #Assembly #camera #state #powers

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