On Tuesday the Iris Awards ceremony took place, in which Everything is a lie was awarded the award for Best Current Affairs Program or Magazine. This recognition not only highlights the work of the format, presented by Risto Mejide, but also represents a triumph for Mediaset, as it is the first Iris to receive a space from the network in more than a decade.
This Wednesday, Mejide began broadcasting cwith a few words of gratitude to the entire team and the spectators: “Today we are especially happy and if there is a day that we can start talking about ourselves, it is precisely today and we have to do it for the entire team, for all the people who have worked and who work on this program, who all give their all. the days so that you have three hours of daily entertainment”.
The presenter has also highlighted the surprise that the distinction wasgiven the level of the programs with which they competed in this category.
“Last night they gave us our first Iris, the first Iris in more than 10 years to a program from this house, from Mediaset. We are very grateful, very happy and very surprised because we did not expect it.. We competed with people we admire, who are true ocean liners, we are an inflatable boat with a monkey and a knife, really at our side,” he joked.
The gala was attended by various personalities from the sector. Among them, Fabián Pérez, editor and regular collaborator of the program, who shared his experience during the ceremony in the space.
With a sense of humor, Pérez has recounted one of the most anecdotal moments of the evening: “It was very cold, but I think it was a bit of an excuse to give him the warmth of the award. I was cold and I thought I’m going to get warm if they give us the award.”
#Risto #Mejide #celebrates #Iris #award #Lie #didnt #expect