On January 11, 2015, some mountaineers found the body of a man in a gutter next to the Mirador de los Rebecos, in the Natural Park of the Asturian Council of Somiedo. The body had great deformities and its affiliation was ignored.
A decade later, the mystery has been revealed: it was called Luis María JC, although in his surroundings he was known as “Luisín”. Now, the tests of fingerprints obtained on their day of the body have offered a “positive identification” when they coincide with the footprints that were had of the deceased’s DNI.
They fled upon learning that they were sought
His two brothers, Enrique and Enriqueta, were arrested in the Basque Country, where they would have fled to learn that they were sought for not having appeared before the repeated requirements referred to their home to appear together with Luisín so that the social services value their state and Be illocializable.
Both have appeared on Wednesday before the head of the Court of Instruction number 4 of Gijón who, at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office, has agreed to maintain the precautionary measure of provisional prison, communicated and without bail.
The Court investigates them for a crime of homicide by omission, another crime of social security benefits in an aggravated alleged for having improperly charged around 300,000 euros of his brother’s pension over these ten years, and imputes them two crimes of documentary falsehood and scam.
Deaf, mute and blind
Luisín, a native of Gijón, was born with a cerebral palsy and was a person totally dependent on his family. I didn’t see, I didn’t hear, I didn’t speak, I didn’t walk and I even had to eat through a probe. He received a monthly pension of 3,000 euros due to his disability.
The victim depended completely on his two brothers, to whom the Principality had granted his custody in 2014 following the death of his parents.
Luisín usually did not leave his home, so he also woke up suspicions that he was not seen in the area. Everything changed when the Court of First Instance number 3 of Gijón required the brothers to go with him to make a new assessment by social services and they did not appear.
The detention and surprise
Judicial sources have confirmed that last October an arrest warrant was issued against Enrique and Enriqueta to verify that they were not in the habitual home they had consigned for their location and ignoring the continuous requirements to go with Luisín to make the corresponding valuation.
Knowing that they were sought, the brothers moved to the Basque Country, which did not prevent their location. After their arrest, both justified their refusal to go to the appointment in which their brother had died from natural causes.
However, they did not notify their death and, according to the same sources, the surprise came when in their statement they affirmed that the body found in Somiedo and whose identity was a mystery was that of his brother.
They claimed that “they didn’t know what to do with the body”
According to Enrique and Enriqueta’s version, they moved the body to that high mountain place because “they didn’t know what to do with the body.”
The Forensics ruled out, through the autopsy practiced to the body, that Luisín’s death would have been violent, according to the same sources.
The judicially continues to advance. A spokesman of the Superior Court of Justice of Asturias has confirmed on Wednesday to Eldiario.es Asturias that Gijón’s Court of Instruction number 4 has received the lofoscopic identification with the necroresian of the remains related to the arrest of two brothers, and that identification has been positive.
There are indications that they “let Luisín die”
The lofoscopy is the study and analysis of the impressions of the papillary ridges, which are found in the fingertips, the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet, comparing them in this case with those that were had of the DNI of the deceased .
The necroseña comes from comparing, comparing or correlation Identify (data “against mortem” = am).
Enriqueta’s key testimony
The Court opened the investigation proceedings initially for the crimes of illegal detention, disobedience to the authority and brokenness of the duties of custody, but this Wednesday his new statement has changed everything.
Its manifestations have been so relevant that they have taken an unexpected turn to the case and have shed light on the days before the death of Luisín, the idea they had to get rid of the body to hide the proof that he had died and the economic mobile of background
After listening to her statements, at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office, the magistrate has agreed to continue admitted in provisional prison.
The magistrate has adopted this resolution in view of the statement of Enriqueta that has recognized that Luisín was sick the days before his death, without being treated, although they had their custody for their vulnerability given their situation of great dependence , which has led the Court to modify the crimes imputed and extend the provisional prison of both.
The economic mobile
The magistrate now investigates her alleged authorship in a crime of fraud of social security benefits in an aggravated alleged for having improperly charged around 300,000 euros of her brother’s pension throughout these ten years.
In addition, they will be investigated for two crimes of documentary falsehood and fraud for alteration of the documents of the pension of Luisín, since as a spokesman of the Superior Court of Justice of Asturias (TSJA) has ratified throughout this decade “they modified the name of the pensioner in favor of one of them ”.
Likewise, both brothers are attributed a crime of homicide by omission since testimony was requested for urging the degree court – being the judicial party to which Pola de Somiedo belongs – to know first hand the rest of the autopsy in the moment of the discovery of the body.
“It was not a fulminating cause of natural death”
“It is indeed a natural death, but not for a fulminating cause as initially pointed out since, in his statement, Enriqueta acknowledged that his brother Luisín had met badly several days before the death occurred and there are serious indications that they could having let him die without attention, with the aggravating fact that they were the guarantors of providing the care to his brother with disabilities, ”added the TSJA spokesman.
The judicial procedure has taken a 180 degree turn this Wednesday when, in their statement, the brothers have admitted in their story, especially with Enriqueta’s testimony, which “let Luisín die” by not giving the care and attention that He required and improperly charged around 300,000 euros of his pension throughout these ten years.
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