Reader's Opinion | Is the end result of the personnel sizing law a new nursing crisis?

In order to stop the “second wave” of the care crisis, everything possible must now be done on a broad front.

The elderly due to the quality problems of care services, in 2020 the staffing ratio was gradually increased from 0.5 to the current 0.65, i.e. to two caregivers for every three elderly people. The increase in staffing to 0.7 has been postponed until January 1, 2028. An increase to 0.7, i.e. 40 percent of the initial level, is unrealistic. The already made 30 percent increase in 24/7 serviced housing has greatly complicated the availability and adequacy of social security personnel.

The elderly the number of personnel in care services has increased significantly and personnel costs have increased accordingly. The economic situation of welfare regions is currently very difficult. As a solution to the situation, many welfare regions are planning to reduce the number of customer places for 24-hour service housing for the elderly, even though the proportion of the elderly population in the population and the need for services are increasing.

In order to balance the economy, they are trying to replace 24-hour service housing in welfare areas with so-called communal, non-24-hour housing and home care.

When there is no night nurse present in the unit, staffing can be reduced to the starting level of 0.5 or even below it to 0.3. Here, there is a risk that those who need a night-time nurse will not receive appropriate treatment, which results in an increase in the use of other services, such as first aid, emergency services and specialized medical care. Is the end result of the staffing law the “second wave” of the care crisis? I hope not.

Above all, an elderly person needs dignified care.

Care crisis everything possible must now be done on a broad front to stop it. It should be possible to implement 24-hour service housing based on the actual service needs of the customers and taking into account the special characteristics of the locality. Above all, a change of attitude is needed. Decision makers must also accept that good care is not about numbers. Good care is based on the fact that there are nurses in the right proportion to, for example, the size of the unit, the services offered by the unit and the individual needs of the clients.

I don't even want to calculate how much time is used at different levels in this country to calculate sizing and how much it costs society. If even part of the recording and reporting tasks were dropped and the employees were allowed to focus on customer work, the current staffing would be sufficient to provide high-quality services.

So that the aging of the service network for the elderly does not continue or accelerate in the coming years, the government should already in this term of office permanently change the staffing to the level of 0.65.

It's good to remember that no matter what the sizing percentage is, an elderly person needs, above all, decent care, staff who meet him cordially, and moments of joy in every day.

Leila Rutanen

Business Director, Rinnekodit oy

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