Reader's Opinion | In the new location information service, security is a key issue

The location information service is implemented in accordance with high security requirements.

Waterworks association CEO Riku Vahala wrote to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom about the location information service being prepared and the security of the service (HS Opinion 28.12.). Vahala rightly highlighted the risks associated with centralized data reserves and services such as the location information service. However, it is important to point out that it is possible to make them safe.

In the development and implementation of the location information service, attention has been paid to security. The service is built and maintained in accordance with high security requirements. The security requirements set for the service correspond to the requirements set for Finland's most important systems intended for the processing of national security data.

The service is also subject to an external information security assessment using criteria against which Finland's most important national security systems are evaluated. In addition, access to information from the service, i.e. who has the right to receive information from the service, is limited in multiple layers according to usage needs.

Security is also about the availability of data. When the information is centralized and delivered in a controlled manner to one point, it is easier to control its information security and use. The current situation, where data is spread over several different systems managed by several administrators, is not sustainable. Traficom has little means of ensuring the security of information services of different owners and service providers. At the same time, those who need information are in a difficult situation when they have to collect information from several places and receive it in very different forms. Problems can be seen, for example, as damages in excavation work and interruptions in critical connections.

The Joint Construction Act has obligations for network operators to provide information. Traficom has also given recommendations to other operators about submitting data to the location information service, so that the underground infrastructure of these operators could also be protected.

By identifying and minimizing the risks, it is possible to make centralized data resources such as the location information service safe. When the location information service is put into use, it is one of Finland's safest services for public use.

Valtteri Tohka

CEO, Traficom's Cybersecurity Center

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