The president of the Government between 2012 and 2018, Mariano Rajoy, has denied Wednesday in Congress that he had knowledge of the so -called Operation Catalunya. “I have no knowledge of the existence of a so -called Catalonia operation. I do know actions of very qualified Catalan political leaders who gave rise to the application of article 155, with the almost unanimous vote, and the conviction of the courts. I can inform this because I lived it and I proposed the application of 155, ”Rajoy said in his initial speech.
Rajoy has chosen to disconnect from any police operation against Catalan sovereignty or other political adversaries such as Podemos. The first spokesman of the intervene groups has been Ione Belarra, of Podemos, who has taken the opportunity to ask him for the dirty war against his party. “I have never been known to these facts, what I know is that the police have denied it and that there is an open summary and that we will see what the courts say,” said Rajoy.
Belarra has replicated that it has been precisely a police report that has revealed searches in police databases on Podemos and that a former police high command has recognized in judicial headquarters that received orders to carry out those searches.
At this point, Rajoy has chosen to despise the spied political party. “I am a right -wing person from provinces, but above all I am a Democrat. I have been 40 years in the political life, councilor of the City Council and in the end I had the privilege of being president of the Government. As I am a Democrat, I would never spy on members of the Cortes. I have no interest in making an inspection about you because I don’t think they are so important to my life, ”said the former government president.
Before Belarra’s questions about who is “M. Rajoy ”, the sentences that accredit the Box B of the Popular Party and that the former president of the Government and the PP charged 373,000 euros of black money, Rajoy has replied:” I am not going to talk about those matters as I am not going to talk about Mr. Iglesias, Mr. Errejón and Mr. Monedero. ”
Mariano Rajoy insisted on despising Podemos when before his statements about his ignorance of what his Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz ordered, Belarra asked if he took them for “fools.” “With your permission, I will not answer that question,” said Rajoy.
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