After Annalena Baerbock speaks of a “war against Russia”, Vladimir Putin’s chief propagandist Vladimir Solovyov is beside himself. He freaks out on Russian TV.
Munich/Moscow – The excitement is great: Annalena Baerbock (Greens) has caused confusion and incomprehension with her statement about a “war against Russia”. Especially in Russia itself.
Putin’s chief propagandist: Vladimir Solovyov vulgarly insults Annalena Baerbock
Last Tuesday (January 24) at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the Federal Foreign Minister called for the cohesion of the Western allies in the Ukraine war with the following words: “We are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.”
The chief propagandist of Moscow ruler Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Solovyov, immediately took up your statement in order to rail against Baerbock and Germany in a TV program. What’s more, the journalist, who is highly controversial in the West, vulgarly insulted the Greens politician on Russian state television and described the democratic Federal Republic of Germany as the “Fourth Reich”.
In the video: Compact – The most important news about the Russia-Ukraine war
Francis Scarr, a journalist with the British BBC, posted a video on Twitter showing an excerpt from the Russian propaganda program. “Vladimir Solovyov is still furious over Scholz’s Leopard 2 announcement and on tonight’s show he refers to German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock as ‘Miss Ribbentrop’ and the current German authorities as the ‘Fourth Reich,'” Scarr wrote.
Vladimir Solovyov: Putin propagandist calls Annalena Baerbock a ‘slut’
Solovyov was apparently completely beside himself on the show. He claimed that “Nazism was reborn” and recalled that 27 million Soviet citizens were killed in World War II. “After that, this absolute bitch Annalena Baerbock says the following,” Solovyov then says, quoting from Baerbock’s speech and then yelling: “They are waging a war against Russia!”
Baerbock, the Reich’s foreign minister, has declared war on Russia!
Solovyov continues to rant polemically: “Baerbock, the Reich’s foreign minister, has declared war on Russia! OK then. And don’t tell me she decides nothing, that she’s just a woman. She’s the Secretary of State! Who was that, Ribbentrop? This Fraulein Ribbentrop declared war on Russia.” For context: Joachim von Ribbentrop was Foreign Minister in Nazi Germany from 1938.
The Rhinelander Ribbentrop, who had meanwhile been SS Obergruppenfuhrer, signed the so-called Hitler-Stalin Pact together with the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov on August 23, 1939. It was a German-Soviet non-aggression pact that Nazi Germany (Third Reich) broke by invading the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. In reference to this, Solovyov rumbled: “The Fourth Reich – which one is it? The fourth? Has declared war on Russia.”
Vladimir Solovyov: chief propagandist of Moscow ruler Vladimir Putin
Meanwhile, Solovyov’s statements should be treated with caution, not only because of his polemical nature. Because his talk show “Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov” broadcast on Rossiya 1 channel considered the most important propaganda format for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 59-year-old has been sanctioned by the European Union since February 23, 2022 and by Canada since March 6, 2022. (pm)
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