The specialized doctor in psychiatry, Marian Rojas Estepé, has published a video through her YouTube channel where she reports the Benefits of acquiring a habit such as reading. Beyond a simple informative or leisure act, reading is an essential tool for emotional well -being and personal growth.
Rojas Estepé, author of books such as Recover your mind, reconquest your life either How to make good things happen to youyour video begins with the following sentence: “Today I want to tell you about something that, although apparently simple, It has immense power to transform our mind and our spirit: reading. ” This expert attributes the benefits of reading to its way of connecting “with the experiences and emotions of others, allowing us to travel through time and space.”
Reading active certain areas of the brain
In those moments of stress and anxiety, The stories offer an alternative to explore new ideas and experiences, thus changing the perception of the world. According to the psychiatrist, when reading areas of the brain related to understanding, emotion and empathy are activated, assimilating foreign experiences as if they were their own and thus form our identity and values.
In this way, reading is a form of connect both with our inner world and with the outside world, since the books collect other realities that “cross” with ours, thus allowing to explore other topics that can be more alien such as love, duel, loss, hope … This is mainly due to the fact that the brain does not give a Distinction between reading and a real experience, which makes it a “powerful tool to develop empathy.”
“Reading is a life simulator”
“Reading is a life simulator in which we can experience intense emotions without risk, face ethical dilemmas and discover the greatness and fragility of human nature,” explains the expert. Read frequently It serves to facilitate relationships with others And it encourages “critical and reflective mind, teaching us to analyze, question and seek our own truth.”
On the other hand, this activity Improves memory and concentration, facilitates communication and feeds the imagination, Among many of its multiple benefits. “Studies show that children who read regularly are more likely to academic success, because reading improves concentration, memory and discipline,” warns the expert.
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