Eighth medical part of the Pope Francis From the Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital. «The clinical status of the Holy Father improves slightly. He has no fever and his hemodynamic parameters are still stable, ”say their doctors.
This Thursday is the seventh day at the Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital. “This morning has received the Eucharist and then has been working.”
First of the hour, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni had said that the Pope had elapsed “A quiet night” and that he had risen and had breakfast in a armchair. The evolution regarding Wednesday’s statement is that he then used the expression “has woke up” instead of “rising.” From the Vatican he insisted that Francisco has resumed some urgent work issues, is writing notes to hand, and has dispatched with his three secretaries and by phone with some other collaborators.
The Pope would have personally explained on Wednesday to Giorgia Meloni that doctors have told him that «he must Rest for a while“And they have ordered” not to receive many people “, and they would have complained because they also do not work at the hospital. “Doctors say I must take care of my health, otherwise I will go straight to paradise,” he told the Italian Prime Minister.
The Pope also spoke with humor of the fake news that gave him dead. «Yes, I know there are some out there that they say my time has arrived. They are gafes»He joked. «Someone was praying to go to paradise, but God decided that he still left me here.
Papal resignation
The novelty of this convalescence is that in Vatican environments The taboo has been broken of the papal resignation. As in these almost twelve years of pontificate Pope Francis has disdorted the issue and talked about it without problems, this Wednesday Italian cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi referred to her with enormous naturalness during a radio interview.
“Is Pope Francis probably resigns?” They asked the cardinal. “I think that You can do it Because he is a person who, from this point of view, is quite determined in his choices, ”he replied. “There is no doubt that if you were in a situation in which your ability to maintain direct contact with people, to be able to communicate immediately, incisively and decisively, could decide to resign,” he added.
Two other cardinals, Juan José Omella and Jean-Marc Aveline were questioned about the resignation during a press conference at the Vatican press office, on the occasion of a cultural project for young people from all countries that look out the Mediterranean. They will sail from Barcelona on March 1 and for 8 months they will navigate through the Mediterranean and keep cultural encounters.
Cardinal Omella used a Catalan saying to ask for rigor. “In Catalonia it is said ‘He who does not know everything, knows nothing’, but sometimes we give a complete opinion without having all the data,” he said. «The Pope will know what he has to do. As he is well headed, thank God, he will decide, ”the Archbishop of Barcelona tried to settle the issue. «I want the Pope to last. He has launched a good path within the Church, he has marked a path this year with the Jubileo de la Esperanza, with the Synod. The more it lasts, the better, this will be consolidated, ”he concluded.
«I don’t know anything (about an eventual resignation). We live these circumstances with concern, but without advancing what will happen, ”explained Aveline, Marseille archbishop. “He is tired, but he is one of those people who have to take to the hospital so that they are still if one wants them to rest,” he added.
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