Pedro Alonso, unforgettable Berlin from ‘La casa de papel’, now surprises us as a documentary filmmaker with the series ‘On the ship of charm’ that he signs for Netflix. Through three addictive chapters, the actor and director shares an intimate journey in which he investigates ancestral traditions and rites, but also his own nature. We talked to him about capital sins.-I forgive him a capital sin-Anger. For years, in my mechanisms in search of a healthier and more satisfying life, I have worked hard to gain the sense of gentleness that I have located in many of the ancestral cultures. This can cause you, at some point, to retain impulses that have to do with not responding to the energy of violence. And that is one of my desires, which does not contradict being able to say no in a resounding and clear way in time, present and real, because it can serve to preserve that well-being. I try to distinguish that first genuine impulse to not let the toxic colonize me and preserve the energy of gentleness. Related News The seven standard deadly sins Yes Manu Marlasca: “Pride is the most direct path to stupidity” Rebeca Argudo-Por what I see, I must not forgive you: you keep it at bay alone. -Well, I allow myself the impulse when it is genuine, I recognize it and then I control it, because I don’t want him to pour his grease on me. Sometimes, when we delay the expression of anger, it comes out late and badly, in a crooked way. I try to work on that presence to prevent it from burning me out and colonizing my energy. I am rehabilitating healthy anger in me. -Would it be passion, then, more than sin? -The words are not to blame for the garbage we throw on them. Words have value, but the problem is the dose. That leads us to a tortuous and, often, ideological use of them. In the end, it’s just a matter of dosage: a certain degree of laziness is a wonder, as is a certain degree of lust, even a certain degree of anger. Another thing is the intoxication of energy and the neurotic idea as to what the word represents. -What sin is the most difficult for you to excuse in others? -People who say they are bored cause me rejection. I don’t know if that would be laziness, but I would say: expose yourself. Life doesn’t come knocking on your door, you have to jump into the water to get wet. Life consists of that, sometimes you have to creak. But now there is a symptom in the West that is worrying, that overprotection that generates intolerance to frustration. And, to get a fabulous melody, you first have to play for many years and do it badly before. Only in this way can you learn. – In your profession is it more difficult to deal with sins such as pride, envy or greed? -We are all susceptible to behaving like real idiots in one setting or another, in this profession or in the supermarket. The thing is, when you’re exposed, you see more. What the exhibition reveals is the deep nature of people, but not only of the one who is exposed: also of the one who observes. -Is there a sin that is easily excused? -I, increasingly, tell people less and less what they have to do, because what I want is for the garden of my life to be as harmonious as possible. I see a lot of bitterness in the world, but at the same time I keep meeting beautiful people. I have been in very humble places where I have been struck by the sense of kindness of the people. We should recover it in the West. Neurosis dirtyes and covers the heart with rubber.
#Pedro #Alonso #rehabilitating #healthy #anger