“We are facing a housing market completely broken by Sánchez’s policies.” This is how forceful Paloma Martín, deputy secretary of Sustainable Development of the PP, is during an interview with elEconomista.es on the eve of the meeting that popular leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo will hold with the party barons this weekend, to respond to the measures that Moncloa will announce in this area on Monday.
Martín warns that “We are in an emergency situation and very concrete measures are needed to be able to reverse it.” One of the key lines of action for Martín is to provide legal security to this market in which a large part of the population participates, owning 95% of the apartments for rent.
In this sense, the person responsible for Housing of the Popular Party denounces that The Government has been “kidnapping in Congress”, for almost a year, the “anti-squatting law which was approved in the Senate” at the proposal of the PP and which allowed the eviction of the squatters in just 24 hours.
“Next February it will be a year since the anti-squatting law, which was approved in the Senate, has been hijacked by Mrs. Francina Armengol,” reproaches Martín, who assures that the president of the Congress of Deputies is “prolonging sine die the period for submitting partial amendments”.
“It was approved in February with an absolute majority, but Armengol robs the deputies of the possibility of debating this law and is doing the same with 14 other laws that are currently paralyzed in Congress,” says Martín. The key measure of this law was the eviction of squatters within 24 hours and also the increase in penalties, “not only for those who commit squatting.”also for the mafias that encourage it.
On the other hand, the person responsible for Housing of the PP believes It is urgent to “reform the housing law”, since it is “largely to blame for the situation that has been generated of housing shortages”. “By intervening in the rental market the only thing it has achieved is to empty the housing market.” They have been lost, he assures, “80,000 apartments and the squatters have also been shielded.”
“Housing is now a state issue that needs to be faced with all possible means. The Government has taken all the steps in the wrong direction to strangle the market and bring the rental price to historical highs, encouraging them to occur between 15,000 and 17,000 annual crimes related to squatting and the owners are afraid and that is why they withdraw their homes from the market,” highlights Martín.
Specifically, the rental price closed last year with an average increase of 11.5%, according to data from the Idealista real estate portal. Although this increase in prices has been more pronounced in the large capitals with growth of 15.3% in Madrid and 13.9% in Barcelona, which despite being declared a stressed area under the umbrella of the housing law, remains the most expensive capital to rent a home with an average price of 23.4 euros per m2.
“From the Popular Party we are committed to establishing housing as a priority axis of action” and that is why the first problem to be discussed at the meeting that will be held this weekend in Asturias between the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and all the regional presidents “will be housing”, since “it has become an question of State that have an enormous magnitude”.
Thus, Martín explains that during the weekend the aim is to reach agreements with the different regional governments on this matter and lay the foundations on which they will work in order to build thousands of social and affordable homes on disused public land through public collaboration. private. The objective is to mobilize public land, both patrimonial and public, so that the supply of housing, both for purchase and rental, is considerably increased.
The person responsible for Housing of the PP remembers that “last December in the surveys, housing appeared as the first concern of citizens. When Sánchez came to the Government he was in sixteenth place.” “Citizens now see housing as inaccessible, when it has always been the family’s piggy bank. and gave peace of mind in the future. The PP is aware and that is why we have been working for months with a very ambitious proposal in terms of housing in which we focus on facilitating access for young people and providing legal security,” he highlights.
The necessary law of the soil
Martín warns about the fact that there is no proposal to reform the land law. “Currently, the regulations allow urban planning that was approved a few years ago to be invalidated in a cascade. This generates such insecurity that in 2023 investment in construction and rehabilitation decreased by 30%,” details Martín. The Deputy Secretary of Sustainable Development recalls that the PSOE withdrew its reform in May due to lack of support and then registered a bill that was also withdrawn in September.
“The land law hinders housing production, but Sánchez has no initiative. It is essential to provide legal certainty in two areas: avoiding nullities in urban planning and reducing bureaucratic hell and demanding that reports be issued on time,” he highlights.
Regarding the creation of a State Housing company, Martín highlights that “Sánchez goes from proposal to proposal without specifying anything and without a clear direction. The PSOE has taken the populist drift and competes in radicalization with its partners. One day they put an end to the tourist flats, another day they create a public housing company, when they already have the largest land stock through Sepes, Adif, Renfe and the Ministries of Defense and the Interior. It is also one of the large owners through Sareb and However, it is not able to offer any of the 184,000 homes that it has been advertising for years.”denounces Martín. “This is not just any figure. It is the life of many young people who do not find answers to their housing needs in this Government.”
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