To know
A little girlAnita, told her father, who had very afraid of dying. Her father asked her: “Anita, when we travel on a train, did you notice when they give us the tickets?” He replied: “Yes, before getting on the train.” Her father explained: “That's right. That happens with death. God will give us what you need when the time comes. Therefore do not fear. God will be there to give us what we need for that trip and… to join us!”
One of the biggest fears of man is death, because he knows that no one escapes it. Also for suffering the separation of body and soul. Modern culture has no means to confront us with death. Instead, the Christian faith offers us amazing and sufficient resources.
In this Easter time Church reminds us that Christ has conquered death:He is risen! and she invites us to also overcome it with Him. The women who went to the tomb of Jesus were afraid that they did not know how to remove the great stone that sealed it. But when it arrived it was already removed. That stone is also in our hearts: it is hopelessness, distrust, our sufferings, fears and bitterness, which blocks the path to joy and hope. AND Jesus It has the power to destroy that stone.
To think
Throughout life, says the Pope Francisco, we encounter “death pitfalls”, situations that rob us of enthusiasm and strength: the death of loved ones; the walls of failures, fears, selfishness. And we ask ourselves: who will remove the stone from us? Risen Jesus, who brings us from darkness to light. Neither pain nor death have the last word. Nothing stops us from reaching the fullness of life. Psalm 23 invites us to trust God: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because you are with me.”
To live
A biblical scholar, W. Lane, says that the translation of Jesus “pioneer”, Jesus should be “champion”. Jesus faced and defeated sin and death, he is the true Champion. We can say with Saint Paul: “Where is your victory, O death? Where, O grave, is your sting? (1 Cor 15:55).
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#Overcome #fear #death #true #Champion