Oppositions in Andalusia: Convened more than 10,000 places with registration period until the mid -March 2025

The Andalusian public administration has opened new calls to cover thousands of places in various sectors. These selection processes represent an excellent opportunity for those interested in accessing public employment, while contributing to the improvement of public services in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.

With a wide range of professional categories, ranging from teaching to the health sector, Andalusia offers places distributed in different specialties, with a registration period that extends until mid -March.

In a context of growing demand for professionals in areas such as education, health and research, the opening of these places has generated high expectation among opponents. From teachers to health care technicians, calls are open to all those who meet the established requirements.

With the registration period still available, applicants can be organized for selection tests that will determine who will access these positions. Next, some of the most relevant calls in Andalusia are detailed, with a breakdown of places available in each.

Call for teachers

The Call for the body of teachers is one of the most prominentwith a total of 4,401 places, of which 3,951 are free access and 450 are reserved for people with disabilities. The available specialties are diverse and cover a wide range of pedagogical areas, which allows candidates to choose the one that best suits their professional profile.

Among the specialties offered are Early Childhood Education, Foreign English Language, French Foreign Language, Physical Education, Music, Therapeutic Pedagogy, Hearing and Primary Language and Education.

Applicants must meet one of the following degree requirements to be able to present:

  • Be in possession of any of the following titles: a) Title of teacher or corresponding degree title. b) Basic General Education Professor Title. c) Title of primary education teacher.

The registration period is until March 19 of this year.

Call for secondary school teachers

Another of the most relevant calls is that of secondary school teacherswith a total of 3,276 places summoned. Of these, 2,916 are free access places, while 360 ​​are reserved for people with disabilities.

The call covers a wide variety of specialties, such as philosophy, Castilian language and literature, geography and history, mathematics, biology and geology, English, economy, computer science, civil constructions and building, as well as various technical areas such as organization and maintenance of vehicles, Energy systems, and agricultural production, among others.

Applicants must meet the following degree requirements to participate in the selection process:

  • Be a doctor, graduate, engineer, architect or have the corresponding degree title.

The registration period ends on March 19.

Call for technicians in Auxiliary Nursing Care

The health sector has also been the protagonist of the last CALL OF OPPOSITIONS In Andalusia, with 3,049 places summoned for the position of technician in auxiliary nursing care. Of these places, 2,744 are free access and 305 are intended for people with disabilities.

The requirements to access these places are the following:

  • Title of Auxiliary Clinic Technician (Professional Training of first degree, Health Rama), or Nursing Auxiliary Technician (Professional Module Level 2, Health Branch) or Auxiliary Nursing Care Technician (Medium Degree Professional Training, Health Branch) .

The registration period is until March 18 of this year.


In the health field, 296 places have also been convened for a specialist in broadyodiagnosis, of which 266 are free access and 30 are reserved for people with disabilities.

The necessary degree requirements to access these places are as follows:

  • Title of technician/Radiodiagnosis specialist (second -grade professional training, health branch), title of technician/a higher image for diagnosis (Higher Degree Training Cycle, Professional Health Family), or University Diploma/A Title. A in nursing or health technical assistant, radiology and electroradiology specialist.
  • In addition, candidates must have accreditation to operate X -ray equipment for diagnostic purposes issued by the Nuclear Safety Council.

The registration period ends on March 18.

Call for Laboratory Specialist Technicians

Finally, the call for a laboratory specialist has 268 places available. Of these places, 242 are free access and 26 are intended for people with disabilities.

The degree requirements are as follows:

  • Technician title/Laboratory specialist (Second Degree Professional Training, Health Ram A in nursing or health technical assistant, specialist in clinical analysis.

The registration period is until March 18 of this year.

#Oppositions #Andalusia #Convened #places #registration #period #mid #March

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