The former Big Brother contestant breaks the silence on the comments on the kiss he gave to a man unknown to most: “this photo was created to send to my sister”
Hot last hours for fans of Daniele From the Moorthe former competitor of the Big Brotherafter a photo of him kissing a man went viral. The shot sparked a wave of gossip and speculation, forcing Dal Moro to speak on the radio, at the microphones of RTL 102.5to clarify the situation.
Dal Moro said that the man in the photo is an old friend, Luan Fragaalso very close to Michela, Daniele’s sister, is an old friend. The photo was taken during a summer vacation in Mykonos, the beautiful Greek island where Luan works in the hot months.
“He asked me if he could publish it, and I said no problem. This photo was created to send to my sister, who has been a good friend of Luan since they were 13. At the time, Luan was not yet aware of his homosexuality.”
Despite the clarifications, the photo has raised some eyebrows criticismsto which Daniele responded firmly, arguing that love and friendship should be free from unnecessary prejudice. Unfortunately, the road to cultural change on some hot topics such as homosexuality is still long, despite the countless steps forward. A kiss still shocks some poor souls.

Luan Fraga, the Brazilian who shared the photo, lives in Verona and organizes luxury holidays in Mykonos. On the Greek island, Luan and Daniele spent time together, surrounded by friends, including famous faces from the latest edition of Temptation Islandlike the temptresses Gaia Ciferni and Mara Valentini.
The photo of the kiss, born for fun and friendship, has put the spotlight back on Daniele Dal Moro. The episode makes us reflect once again on how social media can, at times, distort a simple gesture, transforming a moment of sincere affection into a real media case.
Read also: “The photo leaves no doubts” the former Vippone caught kissing him: fans in disbelief
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