Not so desired oppositions: interim strike so that Andalusia delay the call for the “called effect”

The Junta de Andalucía plans to take almost 8,000 places in the oppositions of this year for all its teaching bodies, which include children, primary, secondary, language and artistic teachings and professional training. The figure is not official, but it is already sure in teaching and union areas. A flood of squares that, however, is causing a reject among the interims, a very large collective and condemned to extinction with hardly any possibilities of survival, as some of them complain.

They warn that the Board wants to correct the problem of the historic abuse of temporality taking thousands of places at the most inopportune time: with open oppositions just in a year where most autonomous communities do not have selective processes in the largest body, The teacher. They foresee that the “effect called” from Andalusia, with the most nourished offer in the whole country, causes a pickle among teachers with many years of work The Andalusian schools.

“It’s a betrayal. Andalusia has made two ridiculous stabilization processes and now takes out all these places in a macrooposition for all Spain, ”protest Javier Hernández, secretary of the Independent Teaching Interim Union in Andalusia (Iidea).

Although it is not official, a document filtered by the unions anticipates the call by the free access system of 7,840 places in total, 3,244 of them for secondary and 4,390 for the body of teachers. Here are primary school: a total of 1,492, when computerized vacancies for interim who leave every summer are around 1,500. The anticipated forecast in summer by the previous counselor, Patricia del Pozo, is that between this year and the next one 14,000 teaching places are offered.

Iidea believes that at least half of the total should have been incorporated into the stabilization processes of 2023 and 2024, because they correspond to public employment offers of 2022-2024.

Interim strike next week

The union was constituted last summer to represent the interim exclusively, given the feeling that their claims are postponed on the agenda. It already has about 400 affiliates, as they say. They estimate that in Andalusia there are about 20,000 interim teachers and bags with about 60,000 members in total.

In November they gathered about a thousand people in a demonstration in Seville, and now they just summon the interim and interim of Andalusia to a strike on February 5 and 6, which will extend to Wednesday and Thursday and Thursday of each week until the Counseling, at least, listen to your demands. They claim that this year’s oppositions are suspended.

For now, the lack of tune is total: the Minister of Education, Carmen Castillo, said this week that she did not understand the reasons for the protest. The counselor wielded the stabilization argument: “Whoever wants to be a teacher or teacher in the Andalusian public system now has the opportunity. The way we incorporate teachers are oppositions. ”

From Iidea they replicate that it has a trap because the stabilization, forced by the judgment of the European Court of Justice, has done wrong. “The call is sold as something very positive, an offer of public employment, but it is hidden that they will leave thousands of people with years of street experience, for a problem that they have created by abusing the temporary figure that they have not resolved. It is an undercover ERE, ”says Hernández, who now accumulates four years as interim and fears that the next course will go to the street.

Almost 4,000 places for teachers

According to the collection of Iidea, this year they take oppositions to the body of teachers Galicia (which has a co -official language, and therefore there is greater restriction of access), the Balearic Islands (where the same thing happens), Cantabria (with few places and closed registration of last year ), Canary Islands (which is pending), Ceuta and Castilla y León, the widest, with 700 squares. “The rest do not summon. Andalusia’s offer for teachers is more than 4000, the next is Castilla y León, 700. Where will Madrid come, a Murcian, a Valencian …? All academies are preparing for Andalusia. ”

In Secondary there will be oppositions throughout the territory, but the problem would have been generated with the consecutive call of three processes, in 2023, 2024 and 2025.

The Ministry of Rebato that will take place called. He assures that “there will be oppositions in all autonomous communities”, a half truth because obvious that only six call the most numerous (of the body of teachers), and that none reaches or far from the offer of Andalusian.

In the Board do not see problem. “In the free opposition procedures of these years, 90% of the squares have been achieved by Andalusians,” says a spokesman for the Ministry, which sets for next month the call with the definitive places and dates of the tests , which will be in June, if nothing changes.

In 2018, being in the opposition, the PP requested the postponement for the music teacher body “so that this call coincides with the rest of the communities,” Carmen Crespo, then defended Carmen Crespo, then spokesperson in education of the education of the education of the education of the Popular Andalusians.

Assessment assessment

The Board also wields consensus with the unions represented in the sector table. None support mobilizations and all underline their commitment to stable public employment and oppositions as a form of access. They can’t say anything else.

However, between the lines the problem is admitted. “We ask in December to the Ministry to exercise a leadership to become the coordination that was lost in 2010,” says Elena García, president of the CSIF Andalucía education sector. “We regret that the lack of coordination can cause that instead of 35,000 applicants, there are many more, if that possible effect called.”

USTEA has also asked the Ministry that selective processes are at the same time. “The response of the Board has always been the same: the volume of teachers from Andalusia is much higher than that of others and therefore they will continue to summon when they estimate it,” explains a spokesman for this union.

In Andalusia, the interims are around 20% of the total teachers, even far from the objective of 8%. According to the figures that CSIF compiled shortly before Christmas, 23,604 of the 112,433 Andalusian teachers are interim. 20.99%, with provinces where the rate exceeds 20%such as Almería (26.49%), Cádiz (30.22%) or Huelva (31.75%). “It is logical that there is a percentage, because there are casualties, maternity and fatherhoods, but not that 25% is an unstable template. That is not good for the system, students and applicants, ”says Garcia.

In any case, Garcia underlines that the squares that went to stabilization attended to the criteria of Law 20/21, approved for an extraordinary and punctual situation. On the contrary, those that will now come out in free opposition are places to replace retirement or deaths, without the possibility of extraordinary stabilization. That opportunity has already happened.

“This controversy shows that the Ministry is not up to the view that Andalusia needs: they do not take out the public squares that our community needs, about 20,000 according to our study, nor are they approaching 120% of the places allowed by replacement, nor do they bet on the stability of the interim staff of our community, ”says Diego Rodríguez, from CCOO.

6,000 stabilized places in recent years

Andrea Sanz, who presides over the iidea union, has been interim since 2015. Since then she has worked without interruption as a French teacher at a high school. For her the problem is not so immediate, but predicted that will arrive in 2026. Until then, the forecast is that only 25 places in competition-opposition come out. “There has been no stabilization. Nor in high school history and now they take almost 400 places. Why don’t you reserve them for stabilization?

In recent years, the Ministry has stabilized 6,113 places in total (primary, secondary, language schools, music conservatories and performing arts, professional training, plastic arts) in two stabilization processes: 3,287 in a pure merit contest (of those of those , 820 for the body of teachers) and 2,826 through contest-opposition (2030 for teachers).

For Iidea, it is a scarce and very open stabilization, so that they have achieved a place for the contest of merits people who were not teachers, but accumulated points for other works in the administration, or teachers from other autonomous communities. The result, denounces the interim, is that places have been stabilized, but not to the teachers who have occupied them for years in temporal abuse, which would contravene the spirit of the norm and the European sentence.

“They did not stabilize what they had to stabilize (especially in 2023), and now those squares all go out leaving the interim without vacancies, only some residuals of substitutions for interim of many years of service time. The rest will go to the street, ”laments Hernández.

The new union also denounces that the shortage of stabilization processes has caused an excessive growth of interim bags, which this year will swell even more due to the foreseeable massive influx from other parts of the country. Although they get good results, many will not be able to work because the competition is already huge, and it will be when the stock market is even more inflated. The result will be a useless economic expense, generalized frustration and problem growth, predict.

The feeling of injustice is increased by the fact that, unlike what happens in other autonomous communities, in Andalusia the places are distributed equally by courts, instead of integrating a common list. In this way, a 9 can serve to obtain a place or not, according to the jurisdiction in each court.

A component of uncertainty that adds to a “high degree of subjectivity and randomness” and little transparency. “All this will cause interim with 10 or 15 years of service, with several oppositions approved and with high notes, stay on the street,” concludes Hernández.

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