New recordings provided by RJ2 reveal the creator of content Vitor Vieira Belarmino attending the birthday celebration from an acquaintance hours before the incident in which physiotherapist Fábio Toshiro Kikuda died, in Recreio dos Bandeirantes.
According to the criteria of
In the images, he is seen arriving at the event with a bag in hand, on July 13, around 10:30 p.m. Approximately an hour later, He left the place accompanied by five women and a minor. They all entered the same elevator together and left in the man’s BMW convertible.
The vehicle was recorded travelling at high speed on Avenida Lúcio Costa, where the accident occurred. The Civil Police accused Vitor Belarmino of wilful homicide -with intent to kill- and failure to provide assistance.
Fábio Toshiro Kikuda, who had just gotten married, was crossing Lúcio Costa Avenue with his wife, Bruna, when he was hit by Belarmino’s BMW, which was traveling at high speed.
Almost two months after the accident, the content creator remains missing. As of the last update of this report, Belarmino’s defense had not issued any statements.
Double the speed
According to the investigation carried out by DP 42 (Recreio), it was determined that the content creator was driving at 109 km/h at the time of impact, although it reached 160 km/h moments before the accident. The speed limit on that road is 70 km/h, and reductions will be implemented in the future.
A video included in the investigation captures the moment after the accident. The images are shocking. Fabio is thrown into the air and his body spins around several times. The BMW only stops several metres further on. Seconds later, the girlfriend appears on the scene, showing obvious desperation.
The influencer Vitor Vieira Belarmino is suspected of running over and killing a man on Lucio Costa Avenue, West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, on the night of last Saturday (7/13). The victim, identified as Fábio Toshiro Kikuta, has just gotten married.
Vitor is in prison decreed in…
— Planeta da Notícia
(@plandanoticia) July 15, 2024
Bellarmine too He was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and failing to render aid. The BMW passengers, Amanda Camargo e Silva, Mirelly da Silva Campos, Julia Teixeira de Sousa, Débora Letícia da Silva Paz and Karolayne Melo Fernandes Ferreira, will face charges of failure to render assistance.
The work of the Civil Police was carried out through the statements of 13 witnesses, the analysis of more than 20 collected videos and the preparation of 10 expert reports.
The Experts concluded that if Belarmino had driven at the permitted speed of 70 km/h, he would have been able to stop the vehicle before colliding.
The expert also indicated that a motorcycle that was traveling a few meters in front of the BMW did not hit Fábio, thus ruling out a possibility suggested by the content creator’s defense.
What the occupants declared
The occupants of the vehicle said in a statement that they had left a birthday party for one of them and decided to head to the beach. To get there, they agreed to be driven by the influencer.
They all pointed out that, moments before the accident, Vitor tried to block the passage of another car. However, the investigation makes no mention of this incident: in the recordings of a security camera, the car is moving in a straight line.
Two of the occupants stated that They considered that the driver was driving at a speed higher than usual.
Previously, Vitor Vieira Belarmino’s defense argued that the influencer was not under the influence of alcohol and that he was driving within the speed limit at the time of the crash, which was denied by the expert.
According to lawyer Gabriel Habib, the defense “will prove in the investigation that it was an accident and that Vitor was not responsible for the victim’s death.”
When asked why Vitor did not stop to provide assistance, the lawyer explained that “he stopped further ahead, but he did not return to the scene of the accident because he was in shockwithout the ability to react, and feared being attacked, as people began to gather at the site.”
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*This content was created with the assistance of artificial intelligence, based on information from O Globo Brasil (GDA). It was reviewed by a journalist and an editor.
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