Tiredness, fatigue, weakness, exhaustion, downturn … There are many people who complain daily of their Lack of energyof not being able to overcome and get home every day after the workday completely exhausted. Talking about fatigue is frequent, no … Only in coffee conversations, it is also part of the social conversation, even of the medical context. Recently the spokesman of the Spanish Society of General and Family PhysiciansDr. Lorenzo Armenteros, assured that eight out of ten patients go to the doctor suffering from exhaustion that does not send or repair the night rest.
He stressthe Lack of sleep and the hyperconnection They are some of the factors that experts often cite such as the causes of that omnipresent fatigue. However, as José María Catalina de la Peña explains (@josemacatalina), Expert dietitian in nutrition in reality, in reality he responds to “a cluster several small attacks against our design that we commit daily, driven by the rhythm of a society that goes heading to the abyss.”
After several years of research and study of the reactions of both his body (he is a federated cyclist and competes in the ‘Master’ category) and that of other athletes, Catalina decided to question in his book ‘Human design‘Many of the official recommendations around nutrition that always occurred for good but, as he states, are those that have made us an easy dam of obesity, metabolic diseases and chronic fatigue.
These are the five nefarious and frequent habits that explain why we feel exhausted often:
1. The circadian rhythms have disappeared
We live away from the schedules that mark our Circadian rhythms. And it is something that not only happens to people who perform nightly work, but it is common in most labor and vital dynamics. “The really serious thing about this is that people take their watches to extremes also in their leisure hours and especially from childhood,” says Catalina. Thus, there are cases such as children who wake up from the nap almost night, teenagers who go out to play when the sun has already been put on and that they should be asleep and a general family dynamic full of screens and mobiles whose light is telling his brain that they are the twelve of noon instead of twelve at night.
Less hours fall asleep than almost since childhood and in daily dynamics the clocks have been delayed two hours with respect to our Biological watches. “We eat at three in the afternoon and have dinner at eleven o’clock at night, which is a lack of control for our hormones,” says the expert.
2. The official food pyramid is obsolete
Start the day breakfast Carbohydrates (sugars) and continue with the same base for the rest of the day only feed a wheel of energy imbalances. According to the expert, on a day -to -day basis is lived in a roller glucose mountain that forces the pancreas to secrete insulin to counteract those peaks whose presence generates hypoglycemia, tiredness, hormonal imbalances and more hunger every less hours. With this we contribute another important point that adds points to the car of chronic exhaustion.
3. Life, indoors and away from nature
“It is still curious that as long as the sun shines in the sky people are involved indoors instead of being on the street receiving their benefits, and they decide to go outside precisely at night, when they should respect as much as possible that necessary period of darkness,” argues Catalina. The expert clarifies that when he refers to this issue, he is not even blaming the schedules of office that force us to stay eight hours in front of the computer, but try to go beyond putting the accent in those leisure hours that we use (after the working day in Interiors) “To lie on a sofa to see our favorite series or go to the gym against a tape to walk.”
An alternative would be to do the same in a nearby park or even open the window without clothes so that the contact with the sun helps us to synthesize Vitamin d and put “our watches in time.”
4. Leisure based on alcohol and nightlife
Unfortunately, a large part of social life has two points in common today: Night and alcohol. And that is, according to the author of ‘Human Design’, two key points that destroy health. It seems that without them it is impossible socialize It already often gives the impression that in certain groups the fact of socializing involves going to bed in the morning. “Let us remember that the five or six are in the morning (still) and that if we are partying at that time and we have not slept without a doubt we are altering our body a little more,” he explains.
But the truth is that although nightlife is not done, something similar usually happens. HE late dinner We often sit in front of television with powerful blue lights that tell our supraquiasmatic nucleus (NSQ) that are twelve in noon (because he does not understand artificial lights). And what happens is that our favorite program ends when we should have been sleeping four hours. All that steals us hours of sleep and brings us a little more to the disease. There are glasses that block the blue light to mitigate the effects, but the ideal is to follow the appropriate habits so that they are not necessary.
5. Sedentary lifestyle is the norm
The lack of movement (especially outdoors) is another of the pillars on which chronic fatigue is sustained. Sedentary lifestyle, typical of an increasingly comfortable lifestyle, has taken over society. When we do not do physical exercise, we put aside its benefits at all levels and also sleep worse. Behind the Lack of exercise Not only are cardiovascular diseases, obesity or diabetes, among other metabolic pathologies. It has also been shown to affect psychologically. There is scientific literature that demonstrates that sedentary people have higher levels of stress, anxiety or depression; while those who do more exercise have much higher self -concept and self -esteem levels.
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