When the Christmas period comes, problems arise in many homes. And we’re not talking about bad vibes or uncomfortable family situations, quite the opposite: doubts arise about food which will be put on the table on dates marked in red on the calendar.
Preparations very elaborate? Buy food already done? Book in a restaurant and avoid complications? The truth is that all these unknowns are valid and arise in the minds of millions of Spaniards. Yes, more than we think.
A sea of doubts
Generally, on these dates we tend to overcook just in case, which means that we serve much more on our plates and even repeat, greatly multiplying the intake of unhealthy foods. The best option is to calculate reasonable amounts for the number of guests without exaggerating.
And it is that No We need to prepare numerous dishes, all of them laborious and caloric. In fact, if the appetizer – as is usually the case – is abundant, the ideal is to cook a single dish. And, above all, try reduce to the maximum the dessert: chocolates, nougat…
The great solution
Given this panorama, the nutritionist Sandra Moñinohas recommended in ‘The Vanguard‘ a healthy christmas dish that stands out above the rest: it is the salad mango. Between others things, it has lamb’s lettuce, arugula, onion, tomato, cucumber, grated carrot, mango and blueberries, avocado, sunflower seeds and a sauce.
“Also, I add dill and a little pepper. To present, sometimes we also add some feta cheese and we even make it in individual glasses so that it looks better,” said the expert in the aforementioned medium.
To take into account
Beyond what we eat at Christmas, the important thing is what we eat before and how we compensate on these dates. In Moñino’s opinion, if the person in question has an overly restrictive dietthe body is going to ask you to eat everything that it has forbidden you to eat. And all that anxiety that you have been building up during those months is going to trigger eating in excess.
“Instead of eating a piece of nougat on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve, you’re going to eat a whole tablet. That anxiety has to go out somewhere“, he pointed out. His advice? It is clear: maintain a balance between healthy and less healthy food.
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