Mosquitoes bite some people more than others – here’s why

Mosquitoes Bite Strong Smellers More: The Rockefeller University Study in New York

The body it’s a “great protein shake that smells like feet stinking from hungry mosquitoes ”. She reveals a latest study according to which “some people are real mosquito magnetswhich emit a tantalizing combination of chemical substances which invites pesky insects to poke at them, ”writes the Washington Post in today’s edition. THE researchers of the Rockefeller University in New York they have indeed found that people who have higher levels of certain acids on the skin they are 100 times more attractive to the female Aedes aegyptithe type of mosquito responsible for the spread of diseases how dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever And Zika.

Mosquito bites, the new possible products to remove them and avoid diseases

According to the Post, mosquito-borne diseases affect about 700 million people per year and experts predict that “the number will increase as global temperatures rise,” as stated by Jeff Riffell, a professor at the University of Washington and an expert on mosquitoes.

The results that were published in the journal Cellscould lead to new ones products that could mask or alter certain human odors, making it harder for mosquitoes to find human blood and potentially curbing the spread of the disease.

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes: where they live and what they need

The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes they live in tropical climates or subtropics, but the insect now breeds year-round in the Washington District and parts of California. “Just the fact that breathing tells the mosquitoes that we’re there,” he said Leslie Vosshall, scientific director of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and lead researcher on the new study. Female mosquitoes are made to suck blood because they wouldn’t have enough without it proteins to be able to reproduce. “Think of it as a great one protein shake“Vosshall said,” is for them – within a minute – a way to hire the equivalent of 150 pounds of food and then use it to play egg“.

Who is most exposed to mosquito bites

Experts have found that people seem more attractive for mosquitoes during periods of pregnancy or after having had a few drinks beer and by conducting further research it has been found that mosquitoes can be attracted to certain and particular ones smells. During the experiments, they seem to have chosen people “who have higher levels of compounds called carboxylic acids on them skin“. Note the Post: All humans produce carboxylic acid through the sebum, a waxy coating, on their skin. The sebum is then eaten by the millions of beneficial microorganisms that colonize our skin to produce more carboxylic acid. “In abundant quantities, the acid can produce an odor that smells like cheese or smelly feet”Said Vosshall. That smell seems to attract female mosquitoes to hunt for human blood. An advice? Wash frequently.

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