The tense national relationship between PP and Vox, with breakdowns of regional governments included, has experienced a first turning point in Seville, where both formations have sealed an agreement that opens the doors of the capital’s city council to the policies of the Santiago party Abascal. An agreement, in addition, of which the president of the Junta de Andalucía and the Andalusian PP, Juan Manuel Moreno, has been informed, who a few months ago blocked a government agreement by the mayor of Seville, José Luis Sanz (PP), with the formation of far-right, and which now sees the first great understanding between both forces taking place in its territory.
After a first chapter on Tuesday in the form of acceptance of amendments to the accounts for 2025 – the PP accepted 14 of the 20 that Vox presented, and is looking for a formula to approve the remaining six by another means –, this Thursday a step has been taken more with what has been presented as Agreement to transform Seville which includes measures beyond the budget for this year. The pact has been solemnly formalized by the councilor and the municipal spokesperson for Vox, Cristina Peláez, with an event in one of the noble areas of the town hall (the lower Chapter House) in which questions from journalists have not been admitted.
Aware of the national impact of this understanding, Sanz has assumed that there will be those who “will be lost in political readings”, but that he is clear that “today the PP or Vox do not win, Seville wins.” The agreement, he stressed, “is the triumph of those who want to build over those who only seek to block”, in reference to PSOE and Podemos-IU, whom he accuses of being installed in “no for the sake of no”.
Moreno, informed of the negotiation
The pact, the councilor has admitted, represents an island in a national political environment “with too much tension”, for which he blames a central government “that shouts a lot and makes few decisions.” “This agreement is the complete opposite,” he stressed, and he also had the endorsement of Juan Manuel Moreno, who has been informed of the process.
“Evidently, the president of the Board and of my party has been informed for some time that he was negotiating with the only political force that wanted to negotiate,” which is none other than Vox, José Luis Sanz said in an event after the meeting. document heading. Of course, he has defended his margin of autonomy to make decisions as mayor: “I don’t need to reach an agreement with anyone to approve budgets, I don’t need any authorization.”
Seville is the exception to the municipal power of the PP in the Andalusian capitals. As was the case in Jaén (whose mayoralty he lost after a motion of censure by the PSOE), it is the only one in which it does not have an absolute majority, which led to a stormy process to approve the 2024 municipal budget after losing a question of confidence. Now, willing not to repeat so many headaches, he has launched himself directly into an understanding with Vox.
#Moreno #blesses #pact #fully #brings #Vox #policies #Seville #City #Council